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1. Metasploit

Metasploit is more than just a collection of tools for creating exploits, I would call Metasploit an infrastructure that you can use to create your own tools.
This package of hacking tools for 2017 will give you the opportunity to simulate real hacker attacks to identify vulnerabilities.
Supported platforms and downloads:
Metasploit is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.
To download and learn more, follow the link

2. Acunetix WVS

Acunetix is a web vulnerability scanner that scans and detects flaws in web pages that lead to fatal errors. This multithreaded application carefully scans web pages to detect malicious SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and other vulnerabilities. Acunetix is a fast and easy-to-use tool that is used when crawling websites created with WordPress. More than 1,200 vulnerabilities have been identified while working with this platform.
Acunetix includes a Login Sequence Recorder feature that allows you to access password-protected areas of the site. The new AcuSensor technology used in this tool reduces the percentage of false positives. All these features make Acunetix WVS an excellent hacking tool in 2021.
Supported platforms and downloads:
Acunetix is available on Windows XP and higher platforms.
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3. Nmap

Nmap, also known as Network Mapper, is a category of port scanning tools. This free hacking tool is the most popular port scanner that provides effective network detection and security monitoring. Used for a wide range of services, Nmap uses Raw IP packets to identify hosts available on the network, their detailed services, operating systems, firewall types, and other information.
Over the past year, Nmap has won several security awards and has been featured in films such as The Matrix: Reboot, Die Hard 4, and more. Nmap has both console support and a GUI application.
Supported platforms and downloads:
Nmap is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.
To download and learn more, follow the link

4. Wireshark

Wireshark is a well-known professional tool that allows you to detect vulnerabilities within the network and among a variety of firewall rules. Wireshark is used by thousands of security professionals to analyze networks, capture sent packets, and thoroughly scan hundreds of protocols. Wireshark helps you read real-time data from Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP / HDLC, ATM, Bluetooth, USB, Token Ring, Frame Relay, FDDI, and other sources.
The original name of this free tool is Ethereal. Wireshark has support for working via the command line, this version is called TShark.
Supported platforms and downloads:
Wireshark is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.
To download and learn more, follow the link

5. oclHashcat

If password cracking is commonplace for you, then you should be familiar with the Hashcat password cracking tools. While Hashcat is CPU-based, oclHashcat is an advanced version that uses the GPU to crack passwords.
oclHashcat positions itself as the world's fastest password cracking tool with the world's only GPGPU-based engine. To use oclHashcat, users with NVIDIA graphics cards must have ForceWare software version 346.59 or higher, and users with AMD graphics cards must have Catalyst software version 15.7 or higher.
This tool uses the following attack modes for hacking:
Direct line
Brute Force
Hybrid dictionary + mask
Hybrid mask + Dictionary
Let's remind you about another important feature: oclHashcat is an open source tool with an MIT license, which allows easy integration or packaging with standard Linux distributions.
Supported platforms and downloads:
oclHashcat is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.
To download and learn more, follow the link

6. Nessus Vulnerability Scanner

This is the best free tool of 2021, powered by a client-server framework. This tool is developed by Tenable Network Security and is one of the most popular vulnerability scanners. Nessus provides solutions for different purposes for different types of users – Nessus Home, Nessus Professional, Nessus Manager and Nessus Cloud.
Using Nessus, you can scan for several types of vulnerabilities, which include detecting remote access defects, warning about configuration errors, denial of service at the TCP/IP level, preparing PCI DSS revisions, detecting malware, searching for personal data, etc. To launch a dictionary attack, Nessus can turn to an external Hydra tool.
In addition to the basic functionality listed above, Nessus can be used to scan multiple IPv4, IPv6, and hybrid networks. You can perform a scheduled scan at a convenient time, as well as perform a full re-scan or partial scan of previously scanned hosts, using the partial scan function.
Supported platforms and downloads:
Nessus is supported on various platforms, including Windows 7 and 8, Mac OS X, and popular Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, etc.
To download and learn more, follow the link

7. Maltego

Maltego is an open source platform used in the field of forensics, offering a thorough mining and collection of information to build a picture of cyber attacks around you. Maltego differs in representing the complexity and severity of failure point errors in your infrastructure and environment.
Maltego is a great hacker tool that analyzes between real-world links and people, companies, web pages, domains, DNS servers, IP addresses, documents, and anything else you want. This tool is built in Java and has an easy-to-use graphical interface with the ability to reset settings during scanning.
Supported platforms and downloads:
Maltego is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.
To download and learn more, follow the link

8. Social-Engineer Toolkit

Shown in Mr. Robot, TrustedSec's Social-Engineer Toolkit is an advanced framework that simulates several types of social engineering attacks, such as credential collection, phishing attacks, etc. At the Elliot exhibition, you can see that the ability to replace SMS messages from the Social-Engineer Toolkit is used.
This tool is written in Python and is standard for conducting an anti-unauthorized access test in the field of social engineering with more than two million downloads. It automates attacks and generates hidden emails, malicious web pages, etc.
Supported platforms and downloads:
To install on Linux, enter the following command:
git clone
In addition to Linux, the Social-Engineer Toolkit has partial support on Mac OS X and Windows.

9. Netsparker

Netsparker is a popular web application scanner that finds vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and local file induction, offering corrective actions in a secure and write-protected way. Since this hacking tool generates the results of exploitation, you do not need to perform additional vulnerability checks. Only in this case, Netsparker will not be able to check for vulnerabilities automatically, but it will notify you about this. Getting started with this scanner is very simple: just enter the URL and let Netsparker perform the scan.
If you don't want to pay for the professional version of Netsparker, you can use the demo version of this app.
Supported platforms and downloads:
Netsparker is only available on Windows.
To download and learn more, follow the link

10. w3af

w3af is a free web application security scanner that is widely used by hackers and testers in the field of protection against unauthorized access. w3af stands for "web application attacks and framework validation". When you use this hacking tool, you can get information about vulnerabilities and then use it to conduct penetration tests.
w3af has command-line support and a GUI application. In less than 5 clicks, you can perform a web application security check using the pre-installed beginner profile. This tool has good documentation, so new users can easily understand the w3af. Since this is an open source tool, experienced developers will be able to add new features and create something new based on w3af.
Supported platforms and downloads:
w3af is available on Linux, BSD, and OS X. There is also support on Windows, but earlier versions.
To download and learn more, follow the link

Other top security and hacking tools of 2021, broken down by category:
Web Vulnerability Scanners: Burp Suite, Firebug, AppScan, OWASP Zed, Paros Proxy, Nikto, Grendel-Scan
Tools for exploiting vulnerabilities: Netsparker, sqlmap, Core Impact, WebGoat, BeEF
Forensic tools: Helix3 Pro, EnCase, Autopsy
Port Scanners: Unicornscan, NetScanTools, Angry IP Scanner
Traffic monitoring tools: Nagios, Ntop, Splunk, Ngrep, Argus
Debuggers: IDA Pro, WinDbg, Immunity Debugger, GDB
Rootkit detectors: DumpSec, Tripwire, HijackThis
Encryption Tools: KeePass, OpenSSL, OpenSSH/PuTTY/SSH, Tor
Password cracking tools: John the Ripper, Aircrack, Hydra, ophcrack
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