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How to dox gamertags
1. Call 1800-469-9269, please wait until the main menu where it asks where you want
to be transferred to. Press "3" to get transferred to Hardware. Wait until you get
an agent.
2. When an agent picks up, introduce yourself by a first name. Doesn't have to be
anything specific, just a real first name.
Say this, "Hello, my name is ---- and I'm calling from the Hardware department. My
CCF (customer care framework) is crashing everytime I try to pull up a customer
serial number or GamerTag, are you having the same issue?"
They will most likely say no. Say this, "I scheduled a callback with the customer,
they were trying to get the Live ID on their account to get their repair status
information. But I couldn't pull up the details, can you try and see if it will
come up for you?"
The agent will ask for the serial number and you say "I actually don't have the
serial number anymore. I did a SR search first, and when my CCF didn't get any
Results, I did a GamerTag search. Can you try to pull up the customer info by
They may say their CCF doesn't give them the ability to do so, but say "If you type
the GamerTag in the search bar, it will pull up the same way as a serial number
Does. Go to the personal information tab once the gamertag is pulled up and the
Customer info will be there."
Once it's confirmed the GT is pulled up, say "Can you verify the name so I can make
sure you have the correct account?"
Make sure you type this out! Don't be shy to ask for phonetical lettering. Tell
them to spell it out!
Once they say the name, you tell them that's the one you got. Tell them you're
going to try and do a LIVE ID search and ask them to provide you the live ID. (This
works 80% of the time)
If you get the Live ID, tell them you want to narrow the search by using the ZIP
CODE. While on the phone, google the zip code and get the city / state. And confirm
it with the agent.
Once you have all that info, white page the name and zip code. If you don't get the
right address from whitepages, just try to get the home address from the agent. I
haven't got a method on how to get that yet. But I will update as soon as I do!
This is my doxing method I have used for several months and it has never failed me.
It is better to call at night because you get transferred to the Philippines. Which
the people are not as smart as the Americans.
If you have ANY questions, please contact us via AIM: Swag and LMNOPredator
Thanks for purchasing!!! BTW: This may take a few tries before you get it. Sound natural.
AGENT ID: 817281
Located: Coppell, Texas
With: Alpine Access
^ The above information is only if they ask you (Which they hardly ever do!
how to become a successfull XBL account jacker.
Written by: Predator
Hello, I would like to start this off by saying that this tutorial is everything I
know about account jacking. Everything that is about to be released is 100% of the
knowledge I have. I was at one point on top of the game, I was the best. My time is
over and I'm retired now so I'm going to share my last and greatest tutorial with
Before you start, you MUST have:
CONFIDENCE (This is the number 1 rule)
Download Skype
Have a GOOD mic (not a built-in cpu mic)
Very calm, respectful voice
Be able to take control of the conversation
Know what you're talking about
PATIENCE. You must have patience to be the best
[The Start - Getting a working reference number]---
Jacking Xbox Live accounts starts with doxing the account. Doxing is the process
where you retrieve all the account details besides the password. This can easily be
done with a little social engineering. Knowing how to dox can be good for several
reasons. You may have forgotten your own information, this is where doxing comes
handy. Someone may pay you to dox. But it's mainly for scaring people and taking
The first step to doxing an account is calling Xbox Live (1800-469-9269). Once
you're on the phone with an operator they may ask for your name. Don't even worry
about this step, give them a complete random name. Then say, "I'm trying to recover
my GamerTag because my profile was corrupted. I know my password, but I forgot my
Window Live ID, can you please help me?" They will ask you for your GamerTag to
pull up your account.
Once your account is pulled up they will ask you to verify information before they
can access the account. If they ask for personal information like the Name,
Address, etc... You know you're going in the right direction. If they're asking for
your secret answer, hang up and call back. When they ask for the name on the
account, that means they can see the billing info on their part of the screen. They
just need to verify it with you. Tell them you have no clue what the information on
your account is. Tell them your Dad created your Xbox Live account for you and you
didn't know you needed to verify the info before you can get the email. Then say,
"My Dad will be home from work in 20 minutes, can I get a reference number and call
back when he gets home?" The agent MAY ask you to try to verify the account first,
just say you honestly have no clue what it is and you'd rather have your Dad call.
They will say, "I'm generating a reference number for you right now." When they say
that, MAKE SURE YOU SAY THIS!!! "My Dad doesn't know much about Xbox accounts, so
can you please attach my account to the reference number so when I call back, the
next agent can pull up my account details right away? That way my Dad can answer it
on the spot." If the agent says yes, your call has been successful. If the agent
says no, hang up and call back.
[Doxing - Getting the info on the reference number]---
There are PLENTY of numbers to call to get information on a reference number.
Microsoft all uses the same program to pull up reference number info. Almost any
department of Microsoft can do this, but most of them don't give out information.
That is why I'm here to provide you with phone numbers that no account jacker knows
to call to get ref # info.
PC Safety (This number is very known and still works, use it before using ANY of
the other numbers I provide you! This is for the best) - 1866-727-2338. They will
start off by asking for your case number. Give them the ref # you got from XBL
support. They will ask you for your information to verify your identity. Be slick,
say something like, "I have no clue if this is the right case number, can you
verify the name so I can make sure it's mine?" If they read the name, quickly write
it down. Get information little by little.
If you end up getting the name, and zip code, you're in luck. Google the zip code
and get the city and state. Then whitepage that information to get the home
address. Then call PC Safety back and if all you need is the phone or email, verify
everything else you got. To get the email just make up a story like, "Last time I
called I told the agent my email to send me a link to an AntiVirus program and I
never got the email. Can you spell the email to be so I can see if the last agent
spelled it right?" Then they may spell out the email. This can take a few calls,
remember that!
Here is another Microsoft number that pulls info up on reference numbers. They
usually just have the full name and phone number - 1800-936-5800. Give them the
reference number and ask them to verify any information on it. Remember, whatever
information you get, GOOGLE it and see what pulls up. Google is your best friend in
the account jacking scene.
[Resetting - Getting the PW on the XBL account reset]---
This is the toughest part to stealing account. Everyone is usually successful until
To reset a HOTMAIL.COM/ email address, your best bet is to use the Windows
Live Validation Page - - Just fill out the
question. Resetting a Hotmail/ domain is nearly impossible after the new
form they put where it asks for any old password.
To reset a domain is VERY simple. Go to and do their
online chat support. Talk to an agent online and ask them to reset your password.
They will ask for your personal details in order to reset your password. Sometimes
they will claim they need your account number or social security to do it. When
they ask for the name, phone number, and address, give them the one you got on the
Xbox Live account. REMEMBER: It is probably under the parents name and the phone
number is most likely the home phone, so USE the whitepages results!! Once they
have your account pulled up, if the agent you got is nice, you give them your
address and you get a new password. Ask them for your account number when you have
the chance! If you get a douche bag agent, tell them to fuck themselves then try
To reset emails call them up, tell them your account was hacked and your
secret answer was changed. They will ask for your social and say you don't have it
handy. 80% of the time they will continue without the social or secret answer and
just asks for your name and home address. BAM, new password.
To reset custom domain emails like or go to and
find out their hosting company. Call the hosting company and tell them you need to
reset your EMAIL password. This is a 50/50 chance. Some email hosting companies
REFUSE to give out ANY information. Some are nice (Like Stepto's hosting company)
They will just ask you for basic information then they will reset your password.
This tutorial teaches you how to take any account. It just depends on how good you
are at making up stories, and coming up with quick answers. Don't expect to get an
account your first try. All of us who have big names now practiced for months.
Change the Xbox Live Billing Details To The Following:
First: Anything you want (EX: Joshua)
Last Name: Anything you want (EX: Stanton)
City: Redmond
State: Washington
ZIP: 98052
Contact email: (EX:
Phone number: 425-492-2893 (Change it around, must start with 425)
This makes it so Xbox Support thinks it's a Microsoft account and they won't be
able to help the customer with anything. They will be forced to hang up. If they
don't hang up, it will be impossible to get a reference number on the account.
Therefore, your account is untouchable.
I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial as it is my last. I love you all <3
Doxing guide
Doxing Tutorial
== Table of contents ==
Introduction - Methods Of Doxing - What To Do With Dox - Useful Links With Descriptions - Conclusion

== Introduction ==

Welcome to the wonderful world of Doxing! In this tutorial you will be learning how to dox. You may be wondering by now..."what is doxing?". Well I'll be happy to tell you. Doxing is basically when you get access to someone's information through the methods I am about to mention.

== Methods Of Doxing ==
Via Ip Address -
Doxing via IP won't get you much information but it will help you in your goal of getting your targets dox. There are many ways of getting someone's IP address, I'm going to tell you two of the most used.
Way #1: Obtain the IP through email. I'm not going to explain all that but here is a tutorial on how to .
Way #2: Obtain the IP through Xbox Live. For this you need a program called "Cain & Abel" here is a video tutorial on how to set that all up

Now once you have obtained your targets IP head on over to this site . From there you can find their latitude/longitude which will let you find their state and city (the city isn't always correct)

Via Email Address -
Assuming that you have their email address(es) there is quite a bit of information you can find from this head over to This site is a very handy doxing tool enter the email address you have on here and it will pull up any accounts or names registered to that email, you know...facebook, myspace, youtube...ect. If you get their facebook or something with their first and last name on it
then you are golden and go ahead and use the next method. (Note, You can use email to obtain IP's that has been explained above)

Via Telephone Number,Names,Address -
For this method the only website you will need is just fill in the first name, last name, city, (or just a phone number if you have it) and state boxes and search. More than likely you'll have multiple people pop-up with same name as your target but different addresses, now this is were the hard work starts. In order to elimate the "fakes" your going to have dox a few more people. Now if you look to the right of the names ( ) you will see the people they are related to. Find which ones are related to your target and BINGO! That's your guy!

Via User Names - Is the site you need, it works the same as the email method

Via Social Groups -
Social groups are good once you found your targets facebook for example. You can use it to obtain more information on your target and also get pictures of your target. Pictures can also help you dox your target, I will explain that later on.
- Social Engineering -
Social Engineering is a greatly used technic for obtaining information. Social engineering is basically manipulating or tricking your target in to giving you his/her information. One way of doing this for example is by email. I once doxed a person by making a believable email address and pretened that I worked for a website and wrote articles. So I asked my target if I could interview him he said "sure", I said "would you mind starting off this interview with telling me you first and last name?" and boom, he gave it to me simple as that! Then I used the other methods for the rest of his dox.

Via Domain Names They own -
Domain names (website URL's) are also very useful in doxing because you can obtain a full name and address from them but only if your target is stupid enough to enter his/her real info for his/her site. Go on over to and enter a website ( then click "look up" and you will get something like this ( as you can see though that is a example of false information ( or just not the dox we are looking for ).

Via Images -
Searching images is a good way to find where pictures are uploaded at. So lets say you have a picture of your target, just go here and enter the picture you got. It will search it
for you and with any luck you will get a link to his/her's facebook or myspace.

== What To Do With Dox ==

Once you have obtained all the dox of your target there are several things you can do.

1. You can use them as black mail, threaten to post them everywhere if you don't get what you want.
2. You can just be an asshole and post them everywhere and send your target the link.

3. Or use that information to gain access to something thats theirs such as a xbox live account.

== Useful Links With Descriptions ==
- No Success with Whitepages? Try this. career and employment. Another people search -name, city, and state. by name, category, or city. - Phone Books Need to confirm dox?calling neighbors and asking for the target. They tell you how you can reach them. for free people and business searches in the US and Canada. to almost every phonebook in the world. -
Social Networks Facebook,MySpace,YouTube,Blogs, Whois ect. Searches quite a few different places A profile searcher for Networking sites. - Check to see if a username has been used on over 9000 websites.
! It provides excellent results when e-mail addresses and full names are used. Find deleted webpages. somebody's old email, find current ones. Search email by name, phone, fax, college, ancestors, etc. - Find the ip of a protected site
- -EXIF searcher.

== Conclustion ==

In conclustion doxing is just an all-round badass way to piss someone off. Please note that doxing isn't illeagal as all the information you have obtained is public, but posting of the dox might get you in a little trouble (I may be wrong so dont hold me to that).
But I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and I hope this tutorial has been helpful to you. HAVE FUN DOXING!

First of all, let us start at the very beginning. 'Dox' is short for 'docs', which as you probably know is short for documents. You want to find the information (documents) on somebody and that's how the name is made. To start off, we will need a small 'guide' to keep our findings together. If you have read a guide on how to dox before or have tried it in the past, you will have already used something similar.
Full Name:
IP address:
Home Address:
Phone Numbers:
Social Networks:

Usernames/Screen Names
If you know of this user online, then they probably have some sort of username from where you found them. This is probably the main step as getting other information may be difficult without knowing things like email addresses and real life information, which, you probably may not know if you are trying to dox them.

There are lots of different ways for you to get hold of your slaves email address. If the user owns a Facebook account, their email address may be inside the 'info' section of their account. Another popular method is using the slaves screen name in a quick Google search. Not only would this return many other accounts online, but also possible email addresses containing the screen name. There are plenty of other examples, but the email address can lead you to some main information.

If you know the name of your slave then you can find other information such as their address. You can use some of the sites which I have listed at the end of this small guide. Using these websites you can also find out their phone numbers that are registered with the address. Another method you can use is using the Facebook/Twitter location feature. If their location is posted every post, you can trace back to their home and add more juicy information to your dox.
A popular choice when doxing involves IP addresses. Using a site like can get you far. There are hundreds of ways to get a users IP which I will go into in a different tutorial. Once you have the IP, you can reverse it to their home and get information about their ISP and more too.

Social Networking:
Another extremely popular method is using Social Network Sites to your advantage. One persons life can rest within a single page so this can sometimes be your biggest tool. Let's take Facebook for an example. If you have the slaves email address, you can enter it into the search bar and it will link back to a user registered with it. You can also search for their name with a location you could have traced back from other social networking sites such as Bebo and Myspace.

Let's say that you have found some images on some social networking sites and you have added them to your dox, now what? You can find even more information by using something as easy to use as Tineye to reverse the image and find it on other sites. This can also help you find out if the user is real or fake. Google also provides a good image search, just drag the image in and let it do it's job.
You may not always need an image of the actual user, you could also use their avatar and link it back to even more accounts.

Useful Searching Sites

Misc. Search Sites:
Spokeo - People Search | White Pages | Reverse Phone Lookup
People search engine and free white pages finds phone, address, email, and photos. Find people by name, email, address, and phone for free.
PeekYou - Fast People Search Made Easy
PeekYou's best free people search engine allows you to find and contact anyone online. Find social links, photos, work history, alumni info, family and more.
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Once you have obtained all the dox of your target there are several things you can do. You can use them as black mail, threaten to post them everywhere if you don't get what you want. You can just be an asshole and post them everywhere and send your target the link or use that information to gain access to something thats theirs such as a xbox live account. There are many different things you could do, some of which I'm not allowed to talk about.

Final Notes:
I'm sorry for the messy layout of this tutorial but I'm tired and can't get to sleep so I thought I'd put this together for some members on here. If anyone wants to fix it then feel free and I'll edit it since anything looks better than this mess. Please note that doxing isn't illegal as all the information you have obtained is public. Hopefully you also learned how to protect yourself and hide your information.
How to dox youtube channels
1. Find a YouTube you want
2. Take note of three things - the channel name, the date of latest activity, and channel creation date
3. Make sure you are not signed in on any google based accounts (gmail, youtube, adsense, etc.)
4. Go to the YouTube sign in page, click on "Can't access your account?"
5. Enter the Youtube username and click submit.
6. It will show two reset options, ignore these and click "verify your identity" underneath the two options.
7. Enter an email address that you HAVE ACCESS TO.
8. Fill in a random password for the "last password you remember" box
9. Use the info you gathered from the channel for the next two boxes.
10. skip the next 5 boxes
11. It will ask for 4 other google products you use. Select Gmail and select when the channel was last active.
12. Click submit and wait 5-10 mins
13. Check your email where you had the recovery forum submitted to.
14. It should have the primary email to the YouTube account.\
15. As for doxing the email, it's all hit and miss. Try using sites and to find linked social profiles.
16. Once you gather enough info try resetting the email yourself.
Websites to help you dox
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