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Jun 28, 2020
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This article, I hope, will help beginners to answer myself immemorial question ?. To begin with we need to understand that here, as well as in any business, there is a chain and if simply to hammer somewhere a card, anybody home won't send the goods to you. As a rule this chain is realized by 2 persons the one who the goods and that who it accepts a carditis. To the beginner to do simultaneously both that and another isn't real almost. We will consider these two links more in detail further.To begin with it is necessary to find shop, it is natural online shop in which we will make purchase. It is not necessary to be greedy since to receive плазменник with a cinema for 10К it will not turn out for many reasons. We choose to themselves the type goods ноута or фотика, вобщем by more low 1К-1.5K ? for beginners it is optimum IMHO. We take a card Further, for purchase it needs to be prepared. Since to order on the address of its owner doesn't leave and the sense isn't present. It is necessary to order on дропа. Дроп it is citizen US with whom have dissolved that it has accepted a parcel and has sent it where will tell and for it has received the 30-50 dollars (+ геморняк on all life forward ? ыыы). But we will not be hurries up, we will assume at us there is here such card:name_on_card=mark s messinaaddress1=60 plainfeild avecity=west havenstate=CTzipcode=06516country=UScredit_card=4*****0101504612exp_month=03exp_year=2008cvv2=282I hope to decipher this field it is necessary to nobody.Further it is necessary to make Enroll.For this purpose it is required to us SSN (Social Security Number) + DOB (Day of Birthday) + MMN (Mother Maiden Name). To find such information it is possible at shEn or ? (as advertizing) By the way in some banks for энрола, besides the listed data it is necessary ищё nobility PIN or ATM. To pass this degree of protection extremely difficult and нахрен not нада for such business. To learn to what bank the card concerns it is possible on a bin, i.e. on the first figures in card number. Use program CC2Bank (read here this theme - . We go on a bank site Further, we come into section Enroll (if you visually can't find this section, испольуйте search on a bank site). We pass all offered countries Further, stage by stage entering on them the data, an e-mail it is possible to enter any, Jahu and not Hotmail certainly is desirable not. (I hope that it is necessary to use a proxy etc. it is not necessary to remind). You have received Online access to a card, here it is possible to look what balance on a card (it should surpass at least in 2-3 times planned purchase) and there is a section where it is possible to change the data on a card. (To describe as sections where I will not search for these buttons etc. ? since it silly, in each bank on a miscellaneous) are called. So if the balance good, goes to section for change инфы. It is possible to replace only Address1, City, State, Zipcode and Phone number.We take information of dropa, it will be for example:70 Tunstill Loop RdFayettevilleTN37334(Thanks xTc for given инфу about the person, which already likely on plank beds).Open there is phone question on which it is necessary to accept a call from a shop and probably then from it to call. The blessing for this purpose exists various Ip the Telephony (use Google) where it is possible to buy external number. We buy phone of the same staff, as дроп. In this case Tennessee.Further we interrupt the data in a card on ours, will write how many it is necessary to wait for application ? usually couple of days, but everywhere on a miscellaneous. Therefore a card we will postpone for a certain time. After the lapse of two days a card it is necessary чекнуть if at you isn't
present мерчанта near at hand or own x-login ? it is possible to make easier, to go on a type site or etc. trading in a software and to buy there not necessary херню for 20 dollars. If payment has passed successfully ? the card means is live and it is possible шопится. At вбиве a card it is necessary to use the OLD Name, number, exp and CVV a code, other data we take recently changed.We go on a site of shop and to affairs the order. (Don't press close to pay as much as possible fast delivery of the goods.) u????u addresses and шипинг (i.e. deliveries) now identical for the clear reasons. After the order to you is made will send the letter where will tell that you need to be called or to you will call, therefore be online (don't forget about time zones). If you can't talk on eng ? ask skilled прозвонщика. After school ?Hello. My name is Tom. How are you? ? with nasty кацапским accent you will send нахуй)) Further if by phone you have confirmed the order successfully, to you will give Track number on which it will be visible (through a site магаза in certain section) as well as where now the goods and when it will receive дроп. (By the way never call in магаз if you about it haven't asked ? деклайн it is guaranteed). Then work дроповода, he is necessary for calling дропу with to instruct where to send the goods, what service etc. ? it is possible to send the goods on the buyer, some home send themselves =)) This your business already.Good luck.
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