Cyber police officers, together with investigators from the Primorsky police department, under the procedural guidance of the local prosecutor's office No. 3, exposed a local resident of unauthorized sale of information with limited access.
The man, using malicious software, collected a database of logins and passwords for entering electronic systems. Further, the offender formed this information into databases and sold it through the messenger. He faces up to five years in prison.
The cyber police established that a 47-year-old man was involved in these actions. He acquired malicious software from hacker resources and “improved” it with his own hands. By scanning the network for vulnerabilities and by brute-forcing passwords, a person gained access to information with limited access. He combined the information he received into databases and sold it through the messenger.
Law enforcement officers searched the husband's place of residence and seized material evidence: computer equipment, flash drives, mobile phones, bank cards that were used in criminal activities. Everything seized is aimed at conducting appropriate examinations.
The defendant was announced on suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 2 of Art. 361-2 (unauthorized sale or distribution of information with limited access, which is stored in electronic computers (computers), automated systems, computer networks or on carriers of such information) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for up to five years in prison. The investigation continues.
In order to prevent your confidential data from getting to unauthorized persons, the cyberpolice advises:
- wherever possible, use two-factor authentication;
- use different passwords for accounts;
- create complex passwords containing at least eight characters with upper and lower case letters, numbers;
- use antivirus software.