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Kharkiv law enforcement officers exposed a group of people who fraudulently seized money from financial institutions


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Jun 13, 2020
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From November 2019 to June 2020, the attackers issued Internet loans to citizens, whose personal data and telephone numbers were obtained due to unauthorized interference in the operation of telecommunications networks. The amount of probable losses amounted to more than one million hryvnias.

The pre-trial investigation is conducted by the Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases and Crimes Committed by Organized Groups and Criminal Organizations of the Kharkiv Oblast GUNP Investigation Department under the operational support of the Kharkiv Oblast Cybercrime Office and the Kharkiv Oblast Security Service Office under Kharkiv Prosecutor's Office.

Як розповів начальник Управління протидії кіберзлочинам в Харківській області ДК НПУ Валерій Береза, вжитими заходами встановлено причетність до протиправної діяльності організованої групи у складі 9 безробітних мешканців міста Кривого Рогу віком від 20 до 30 років. Зловмисники діяли за декількома шахрайськими схемами. Так, згідно з інструкціями організаторів угруповання, члени групи телефонували клієнтам одного з мобільних операторів України від імені служби безпеки мобільного оператора. Далі, під приводом підтвердження верифікації користувача мобільного номеру, отримували інформацію щодо останніх трьох номерів телефонів, з якими абонент спілкувався. Отриману інформацію використовували з метою відновлення та перевипуску відповідної sim-карти та в подальшому оформлювали через Інтернет-мережу мікрокредити у кредитних організаціях та інших фінансових установах, які надають онлайн-кредити.

According to another criminal scheme, the offenders, on behalf of the employee of the credit organization, called the mobile subscriber and reported that a loan was allegedly being issued in his name. In this way, the attackers persuaded the victim to name the password sent to access the personal account in the financial institution. After that, they applied for a loan on his behalf and later transferred the funds received in cash and distributed among themselves.

On June 10 and 11, law enforcement officers conducted 10 searches of the residents' offices and offices in Kryvyi Rih. According to the results of the search, computers, mobile phones, bank cards, SIM cards of mobile operators, and money were seized. During the implementation of these measures, law enforcement officers received evidence of illegal activities of members of the organized group.

On this fact criminal proceedings under p. 3 of Art. 190 (fraud), Part 2 of Art. 361 (unauthorized interference in the work of electronic computers (computers), automated systems, computer networks or telecommunications networks) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty under the sanction of the article is up to 8 years in prison.

Currently, two members of groups 20 and 21 are detained under Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. They were informed about the suspicion of committing 3 episodes of crimes under Part 3 of Art. 190, part 2 of Art. 361 of the Criminal code of Ukraine. The issue of choosing a measure of restraint for them is being resolved.

The police establish a full circle of persons involved in illegal activities and resolve the issue of notifying them of suspicion. The range of victims and the total amount of damages are also being clarified.

Ad End 1 October 2024