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Terminology of payment systems


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Abandon Trial – (Purse) In some (trial) versions of the ecash Purse the Abandon Trial function is provided. After confirming the instruction the Purse will Cancel any outstanding Payments, Deposit the ecash held by the Purse, and instruct that the Account status be changed to ‘disabled’. Thereafter the Account cannot be used.

Abort Transaction – (cf. Cancel Transaction) In some versions of the ecash Purse the Abort function is provided to stop the exchange of messages, and send a message which requests a roll-back to the start of the protocol. The software can then verify whether the transaction has been successfully aborted. This function is not included in all software versions, and, given the time/sequence factors and the general complexities of Internet protocols, it cannot always be successful.

Accepted – (The Transaction Status is indicated for each transaction in the Transaction Log). A transaction is assigned 'Accepted' status after execution has been acknowledged or verified. The 'Accepted' (or 'OK') status is regarded as the default and shows no icon in the appropriate field (see Transaction Status Icons).

Account (ecash Account) – A Purse-holder's (digital) Account with a Mint (sometimes known as a Safe). For an ecash client to function, each Purse-holder must have one or more such Accounts at an operational Mint run by an ecash Issuer. Each Account is in a specified currency. An ecash Account may be maintained separately or as a feature of an existing conventional bank account or credit card, etc. Purse-holders can open one or more ecash Accounts with one or more Issuers, and may therefore own several Account IDs.

Account ID – The Account name on a digital Account. (Although this may include any combination of alpha-numeric characters such as an email address.) The Account ID is not necessarily globally unique (although it assumed to be so when concatenated with the Issuer ID) (see also email address, below).

Account Number – A unique number within the Mint which (in conjunction with the Mint Number or Mint ID) serves as a globally unique identifier.

Account Status – Each Account is associated with one of the following states – Enabled, Disabled or Unused.

Accounts Window – (Purse) The main ecash window includes an overview of Mint and Purse balances and presents buttons which access basic functions such as Withdrawal, Deposit and Refresh Coins.

API – The Application Programmer's Interface provides tools for software developers who are implementing ecash applications.

Authentication – A procedure to verify that the originator of a message is the same as the sender that is stated. (cf. verification, integrity, uniqueness).

Authorisation string – A set of data fields that contains the authorisation to transfer money from an Account.

Back-up – The ecash client tries to retain 100% consistency with the records of the issuing Mint; therefore it is not advisable to back up the client data-files locally. Do not make copies of ecash data-files except as part of one of the procedures documented in the manual. If a local crash occurs (causing loss of data on your PC) you should use the Recovery procedure as documented (which bases the Recovery on files kept by the Issuer's Mint).

Balance Limits – Variable factor which can be used by the Issuer to set the upper (and lower) limits of cash which can be held in an ecash account. Bank Withdrawals which would result in an excessive balance (high or low) will be rejected by the Mint with an explanatory message.

Bank – The Bank is the institution which underwrites the value of its own bank-notes. An ecash-issuing bank is called an Issuer. An Issuer runs a computer to produce electronic coins. This computer and its ecash software are referred to as the Mint.

Bank Deposit – (cf. Deposit) The transfer of funds from the ecash Mint Account to the Bank Account (as distinct from a Deposit; which is a transfer from the Purse to the ecash Mint Account).

Bank Withdrawal – (Purse) (cf. Withdrawal) The transfer of funds from the (conventional) bank account to the ecash Account at the Mint (as applicable to Issuers where these two accounts are separately identified). In contrast, the term Withdrawal is used to indicate transfer of funds from an online (Mint) account to the Purse (client).

Base Coin Value – The lowest value of coin in any particular Coinage. See Coinage (below).

Blinding Factor – (Purse) The essential element for anonymous Payment systems. The Blinding Factor is calculated into the coin number by the user before it is sent to the bank for validation. It is subsequently removed again before the coin is used in a Payment. Thanks to the blinding factor, the number which was signed (by the Mint, during a withdrawal) cannot be associated with the number which was returned (to the Mint, during a Deposit), although certain unique (mathematical) characteristics have been retained.

Cancel Payment – (Purse) If a Payment of digital coins has been Deposited by the payee at the Mint then it is not possible to Cancel Payment. However by reporting the coins as invalid and proving the user's identity as the legitimate owner of the coins, the system will accept cancellation of unredeemed coins. Coins used in a specified Payment are invalidated by the cancellation procedure, and will be refused if they are subsequently presented to the Mint. In order to Cancel coins the user must prove ownership by revealing the coin number and thereby surrender a limited degree of anonymity.

cb$ (cyberbucks) – Trial currency with no real value (as used in trials of ecash).

CGI – CGI scripts are used to provide certain ecash server functions. Specifically they are used in implementing the shop's charge script and providing other configuration options.

Change Password – (Purse) Providing that the user can enter the current (Mint or Purse) Password, this procedure will allow them to change it. The same string must be entered twice in order to confirm the change.

Charge Script – (Merchant) The shop is constructed so that it can take input about the items to be sold and calculate a price. The CGI script refers the input information to a charge script. The output from the script (i.e. the price) is then referred to the Payment Request mechanism which sends a message to the client requesting Payment.

Coin – The ecash payment method is based on Coins – a Coin is the digital equivalent of a traditional coin and similar in that it has a specified value, but carries no 'imprint' to identify the (current) owner. Unlike traditional coinage, the Coins, once received by the Merchant's Purse, cannot be passed directly to a third party, but have to be Deposited at the Mint first.

Coin Distribution – (Purse) The Purse tries to keep an assortment of coin denominations so that the number of possible Payment amounts is optimized. Typically it will try to ensure that there are sufficient coins to complete at least 8 transactions of the lower values. (See also Refresh Coins).
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