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The Impending Stock Market Crash & the Correlation to Blockchain Technology


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Jun 14, 2020
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Its been a decade since the last stock market crash in 2008. The second longest bull run in stock market history, so a crash is definitely due.
A handful of companies are dominating the entire market and have been for many years, preying on our emotions and fueling a society of instant gratification through consuming the latest and greatest pieces of technology, which are carefully drip fed into circulation using clever marketing tools, to get us hooked, get us believing that we cant go a second without a quick fix of attention sapping scrolling, leaving us disconnected from the real world, obsessed with emulating what we see from influencers and craving overpriced pieces of technology we think we need to get by.
The global elite have tried and tested methods, developed over centuries, which they use to usher in any kind of new protocol. That strategy is ‘order out of chaos’. To sum up the idea, In a time of crisis, the majority of us are willing to accept almost any kind of solution that promises to put an end to the suffering, even if it wouldn’t usually be something we would do, its embedded in the human psyche and the global elite are very aware of this.
Media outlets are used as the main delivery tool, drenching the masses in a continuous stream of fear and psychological programming aimed at shifting the belief system of entire nations, and eventually the entire globe. Its now even conveniently beamed straight into the iris from our palms.
As a global society, we will not just change at the click of a finger, we would naturally resist against change and large sections of the population would be divided in their views, for their own reasons, based upon their own personal experiences. To effectively have everyone on the same wavelength, with the same goal in mind, you need everyone to witness the negative impacts and experience this first hand. Thus creating a whirlwind of chaos aimed at shifting the narrative, in order to provide the solution, which would be adopted with less resistance.
When it comes to initiating a global shift in the fundamental workings of our digital society, there is one main thing that needs to happen first before we will happily adopt new technologies and ideologies, chaos. There needs to be lots chaos. A stock market crash combined with the
Lets use one of the biggest, and arguably one of the most deadly tech companies to rise over the last decade as an example, Facebook. Essentially one of the biggest, most powerful companies in the world and a global Internet phenomenon with over 2.13 billion active monthly users. That equates to billions of hours of attention from its users, largely spent scrolling through feeds and being consumed with the, mostly, mindless content. This over time has supported us in developing a craving for instant gratification, a lust for likes, resulting in a quick fix of dopamine, and when that’s gone, we swiftly move onto the next new way of accumulating thumbs up icons we believe clarifies and amplifies our social status. This ultimately translates into a short-term feedback loop that many have become addicted to, and are also blindly sharing huge amounts of personal data in the process.
Aside from the fact that Facebook has been a hugely successful business model, generating astronomical revenues through advertising, Facebook, as a company, have come under huge
scrutiny in recent years for a number of reasons, taxes, security, sharing our personal data being the main ones in a long list. Its now common knowledge that Facebook has these fundamental problems with its platform and people are starting to be more aware of how they are being manipulated on a massive scale. A recent report that a Russian group had used Facebook advertising campaigns to spread propaganda relating to the US Presidential election campaign aimed at influencing voters, shows that this method is extremely effective, and dangerous in the wrong hands. The inability to adequately self regulate has proven to be one of its biggest downfalls and its beginning to reach boiling point. From a technical perspective, the stock is long overdue a correction anyway and these fundamental issues currently being highlighted are very conveniently aligned to not only help drive the down the value, but also create enough chaos in order to facilitate a new alternative and a solution to all these problems, blockchain technology.
Global conciseness has been shifting in recent years, as we have more and more access to an unlimited amount of information, we are becoming far more aware of what is going on behind the scenes and are beginning to expect transparency from companies and organizations as standard operating practice, spelling an end to the monopoly which has been held for so long.
Take YouTube for example, another platform totally reliant on user generated content. Without the content generators, there is no YouTube. There has been a meteoric rise in the popularity of YouTuber’s channels, some have acquired millions of subscribers and amassed huge fortunes from sharing the advertising revenue. So, if an alternative was made available where the content generators could earn a larger portion of the advertising revenues and have more control over their content, why wouldn’t they use it? It would initially feel too risky to make such a big move to another platform, as the thought of losing the subscribers you have worked so hard for, could decimate their livelihood, which is understandable, but as much as people don’t like change, we also cant bear to feel like we are missing out, so as soon as a few make the switch and start to show positive results, the domino effect will kick in, many more will follow in their droves and YouTube’s house of cards will begin to come crashing down.
Blockchain is going to change the way in which we interact digitally and will greatly improve the efficiency of many different industries, providing sustainable and effective solutions to dated methods. The goal, firstly, is to detach us from the methods we know at the moment through negative press and the dive in stock value. The companies that will be most successful initially will be the ones who’s product solves one of the problems we will see being highlighted by the media while the markets are crashing, offering an alternative to the failing systems we are all currently using.
The banking industry will have huge focus, as this is the industry with the biggest monetary value and the industry where most of the elitists reside. The SWIFT payment system has been in use for over 40 years and in today’s world is extremely inefficient when you consider the technological advances we’ve seen elsewhere in the same period. Ripples software solutions will revolutionize the way in which financial institutions facilitate cross border payments and is already being implemented into consumer products by banks, Santander is releasing a new app which uses Ripples software in the coming months and many more will follow. Although this does essentially go against many of the ideals of blockchain technology as a whole, what it does do is validate blockchain technology and staples the tech as something that can be trusted, I mean if the banks are using it, it must be good, right? Every single blockchain company should be preying Ripple is a huge success, because its essentially free advertising for them and a platform for each and every one of them to step into the spotlight and be taken seriously within the industries they are attempting to disrupt, then its up to them to seize the opportunity. Working out which ones will flourish, is the task for investors.

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