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Using Putty for SSH Tunneling


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Jun 28, 2020
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Ok so here i am again with yet another tutorial . I have been asked a lot of times by many people to make a tutorial on

how to use putty. So, here it is

Putty is a SSH and Telnet client which i use to connect to a remote server and also for SSh tunneling and various other purposes.

In this Tutorial am going to show you how to use putty to connect to a remote server and then use it as a proxy to get anonymous on the web


Putty and credentials of a remote server with SSH Enabled.


Black]Step 1:

Open Putty. Goto the sessions tab on the LHS.

Here, Enter the IP address of the remote host along with the SSH port number.

In our case the port number is default ie. 22 and The remote Ip am going to connect to is : 174:xx:xx:156

It would look something like this:

Black]Step 2:

Now, on the LHS goto SSH and select Tunnels.

It should look something like this:

Black]Step 3:

In the Source port enter an open port on the remote server to which you are going to connect through.

In our case it is 1234.

Also select "Dynamic".

It should look something like this:

Black]Step 4:

Click on Add button.

Black]Step 5:

Goto session on the LHS

Black]Step 6:

Enter a name for the configuration. Then Click "Save". And then click "Open".

It should look something like this:

Black]Step 7:

A window like

Black]Step 8:

Enter the login credentials for the remote server.

On succesfull login, you can view something like this:

Black]Step 9:

Now, We are succesfully connected to the remote machine via putty ui: ui:

Now, We have to setup our firefox or any other browser for that purpose to connect to internet tunneling through our created connection.

For Mozilla :

FOr Mozilla the configuration would be like this:

Black]Step 10:

This is all we have to do. ui: ui:

And yea before you surf anymore just go though to to verify your public ip whether you actually are anonymous or not.

In our case

See i told you this is so simple to do !!!

If you dun feel this was useful then let me know. Please don't flame me as i have put in decent bit of time to make this tut

Any Doubts then post over here .. Will try to solve them.

Let me know if i missed out something.

Thanks for reading all this shit :p Will be coming up with more tuts in the future. Stay tuned
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