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Jun 21, 2020
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Selling 3 bin bases (Binbase and BinDB) of 2020 one time! A unique chance for you to get FRESH AND COMPLETE BASE OF BINS IN WORLD today! And now, point:

0. Three bases are available for your choice, these are 2 Binbase bases (6 characters Extended and 7-11 characters) and one BinDB base (6 characters Ultimate).
1. More than 360,000 bins (6 characters).
2. Amex, Visa, Mastercard, ATM Card, Fuel Cards, China Union Pay, Cirrus, Comprocard, Dankort, Diners Club, Discover, GE Capital, Hipercard, JCB, Loyalty Card, Maestro, Newday, Ourocard, Paypal, Private Label, Star Rewards, UATP, UnionPay, VPay and many more inside.
3. Almost every bin contains this information:
- bin
- brand card
- bank name
- card type
- card category
- country
- country code ISO A2
- country code ISO A3
- ISO country number
- bank website
- bank phone
- PAN (bin length)
- mark "personal" or "commercial" bin!
- mark "regulatory" or "non-regulatory" bin!
4. Binbase (6 characters) weighs 25MB and is transferred to you in any convenient format (csv, sql, xml).
5. For an additional fee, fans and connoisseurs will sell binbaz bins in 7-11 digits! This is a unique database, I have never seen such a database in open access, no one else! Database contains almost 900,000 unique bins and weighs almost 90MB. Few people know but a total lengthening of bins from 6 digits to 11 has been going on for a long time, process should be completed by 2022. It is thanks to this innovation that many declinate orders, you think that you are beating USA but in fact it is France or you are beating Germany, and this is Kuwait, etc. More details about new binonization system from 6 to 7-11 characters can be to Google.

Who will need this binbase? I think that:

1. Definitely to owners of large shops, this is MUST HAV! What I see in shops now is a quiet horror. All shops without exception have old, outdated, trash, and other slag from bins from Jurassic period, this is not serious! Moreover, ABOUT TO IMPLEMENT SEARCH FUNCTION BY 7-11 BIN DIGITS and there is no question there, although many asked, including myself. Therefore, when buying bins of 6 characters, you are often mistaken, buying completely different bins that you want to buy! I recommend asking owners of shop to increase search for bins to 7-11 digits, since this is our imminent future, which has already arrived!
2. Small sniff shops and sellers for correct sale to people and for their personal tasks.
3. Bin-nerds like me who are looking for DELICIOUS bins and non-3DS bins using modern binbases. Personally, I found 80 percent of my nonvbv bins using latest binbases, it's convenient, fast and practical.

Price - 5K $ (bargaining is appropriate) for one base.

Binbases are updated once every 1-2 months, so price includes a one-year update!

To get this base, you need to go through 3 circles of hell:

1. There must be a company (store) with a millionaire, they do not sell to "Vasya Pupkin", everything is carefully checked, there must be a corporate mail, a shop or a cool company, there are correspondence and calls.
2. Antifraud billing is hard on you, transaction must be 3DS, then you must send docks, selfies and also specify minicom. In 90 percent of cases, they ask to send a wire.
3. After these ordeals, they put you in a 3-month quarantine, give you an incomplete database and after 3 months, if there is no charge, they give you all data

For about 4 years I have been chasing newest database, before I only had different ones from logs, they were also good but incomplete, Visa and MS only but now I got most complete one, finally! Database is very good for nonvbv seekers like me, with its help you can see search in palm of your hand, you see rare banks and bins, easy!


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Ad End 1 February 2024