An attacker has been detained in Minsk, who embedded shimmers into ATMs and stole payment card details, the official Telegram channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports . The story begins in July, when cybercrime operatives seized a shimmer at one of the ATMs - a device that reads data from a chip and magnetic stripe of a bank card. Now she got a sequel.
Operatives of the "K" department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus identified the suspect and detained him red-handed. It turned out that the man built shimmers into ATMs in the morning and took them away in the evening. Throughout the day, the device copied the details of users' bank cards, and pin codes were recorded on the video with an installed video camera-overlay. The man used the encoder to rewrite the received data on the blanks of plastic cards, and then with the help of "clones" removed the money from the accounts. Karder worked in various districts of Minsk, carried out "reconnaissance", changed the geography of movement. He also used different clothes, masks, wigs for conspiracy. During the search at the man's place of residence, special equipment was seized, with the help of which he committed atrocities, as well as means of disguise and related devices.

Now a criminal case has been opened for theft by using computer technology, committed on a large scale. Further investigation is underway.
The department for solving crimes in the field of high technologies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that such crimes as carding are losing their relevance for Belarus, criminals are more actively going into the virtual space. It is noted that the majority of such crimes on the territory of Belarus are committed by "guest performers" from neighboring countries. Almost all of them are revealed either at the stage of preparation, or at the time of their commission.
Experts recommend giving preference to the ATMs built into the premises, connecting the service of SMS-notification about expenditure transactions on the card account, immediately informing banking institutions when the card is withdrawn by the ATM or other unforeseen situations.