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Jun 13, 2020
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You are going to need the following tools before you go to and
transfer money.
1. A complete Background Check of the card holder
This is because if you are going to try and transfer anything over $100 dollars USD
they will ask you various questions such as your previous address, Social security
number, Date of birth, Mothers maiden name, what your middle name is, what bank issued
you your credit card, etc. In order to get that kind of infomation you will need to go
to a site like and it costs about $60 for the infomation you might
need for western union.
2. Phone spoofer/voice changer
You will need this because western union will think you are a fraudster if you arent
calling from the card holders phone number so you must use a phone spoofer service to
make the caller id at western union come up with the card holders phone number.
Basically trick western union into thinking your calling from the card holders house.
The voice changer comes with the phone spoofer service and you need this obviously so
your own voice isnt being recorded incase of an investication and also if your a male
and your using a females cc to get money from wu you will want to change your voice to
sound like a female.
3. Call fowarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers
or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers
so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from
the call forwarding service it will foward to western union.
4. Internet phone service
If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use
the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable. I personally use
my pre-paid cell phone but i’m located in the USA.
After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure
the call fowarding works and the spoofer works and comes up with whatever number you
put in for the caller id. When you finally have that all set up and you have your
background check all set up then you go to and make the transfer.
After you make the transfer it will most likely say something to the affect "Transfer
them up with the caller id/spoofer and call fowarding service. n00b’s to this may have
get the hang of it like I did. I have done about 13 transfers and only had maybe 6
actually go though for pickup. Another thing you should get is a fake id because that
will be the only way to link back to the fraudster in an investication. If you have a
fake id and use it to pickup money you will most likely not get caught or it will be
very hard to track you down.
Remember that you may not be successful your first few times but keep trying and when
you do get a successful transfer you will be really happy. Some things I would like to
point out is that first check and make sure the card your going to use is valid, I
personally use yahoo wallet to verify the cc before I even think of using it. Also, to
get spoofing service for caller id/voice changer I use and for the call

fowarding service I use is
Ad End 1 February 2024