Using some softwares you can change your web camera as spy or survilence camera. here i give you some softwares links.

Rise Sun(Complete Free Software)



Rise Sun(Complete Free Software)
- Adjustable Motion Detection Sensitivity
- Adjustable Webcam Performance
- Automatically takes a snapshot when movement is detected
- Automatically logs a record when movement is detected
- Automatically sounds an audible alarm when movement is detected
- Automatically displays a silent message when movement is detected

- Set the sensitivity of movement detection.
- Detection motion within or outside a specified area .
- Receive emails with images of any movement detected.
- Publish movement images to your website.
- Publish webcam images at regular intervals.
- Timestamp your images (choice of colours and position within image)
- Graph of movement over time (with calendar facility).
- Start movement detection at a specified time.
- Command line startup options.
- Save your individual settings to different profiles.
- Receive notification of new versions as they become available.
- New versions autoinstall on one mouseclick(so you only need to install TeboCam once).
