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best carders forum sites

  1. File_closed07

    How to get free amazon gift card method

    1. Find a seller on ebay/kijiji/craigslist (Local works better) that is selling a $25+ amazon gift card. 2. Message said seller asking to see three and only three consecutive numbers so you can email amazon and make sure the card is legit, and not a spoof card 3. Once the seller has sent you...
  2. File_closed07

    Smoke Shop Cardable Website

    Smoke Shop Cardable Website Site: Method: Bill = CC, Ship = Drop
  3. File_closed07


    BECOME A PRO CARDER FROM NOOB TO PRO TRY THESE MTHODS. -Dell : -Nike : -Walmart -Apple : -Flight club -Bestbuy : -Target : -Macys : -Finish Line : -Barneys New York : -Adidas : -Sears : -Neiman Marcus : -Saks Fifth Avenue: -Bergoff Goodman : -Canadian Goose Method : -Cc to btc method...
  4. File_closed07

    Get Unlimited $1 Into Paypal Enter your Paypal email as the email and connect a Facebook account (doesn't have to be your real one). For the mobile number enter your real cell phone #, as this is where they will alert you when they have sent the $1. After getting your account all set up, wait a...
  5. File_closed07

    New spotify method 60 days <5 minutes>

    I'ts fresh method for personal use not for resellers or mass account making. What do you need: - Phone number to receive one free sms. or use a free sms receive, almost all numbers were used so better use your personal. 1.Download DotVPN, change country to UK. 2.Go to...
  6. File_closed07

    Deep Rock Galactic Save EditorTutorial & Free Download - MEGA FILE

    Unlocking Deep Rock Galactic's Full Potential: A Guide to the DRG Save Editor Deep Rock Galactic is an exhilarating co-op mining game that offers fantastic adventures and challenges. However, what if you could take your game to the next level, tweak your character's stats, and explore new...
  7. File_closed07

    Make $50 a day with youtube

    MAKE A NEW YOUTUBE ACCOUNT 1. Get a YouTube channel with graphics set up 2. Upload a video - while that's going go to step 3 wait till you legitly get 10+ views 3. Partner your YT channel 4. Accept the invite to the network on your YT dashboard (Comes within 1-24 hours)...
  8. File_closed07

    Iranian State TV Hacked During President’s Speech on Revolution Day

    The Ali's Equity (Edalat-e Ali) programmer bunch has asserted liability regarding hacking the live transmission of an Iranian state-run television and radio broadcast to disturb and mutilate the discourse of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi during the Upset Day services. the Leader of Iran...
  9. File_closed07

    Be mindful! Over 800 Android Software On Google Play Retail outlet Contain 'xavier' Malware

    More than 800 different Android software that contain been downloaded countless times from Google Take up Store found to be infected with malicious advertisement library that silently gathers sensitive user data and can perform dangerous businesses. Dubbed "Xavier, " the malicious ad library, in...
  10. File_closed07

    How to use card in Samsung Pay/ Apple Give And Android Pay

    You require fullz with cvv and email access. sign into email. Place cvv into android pay or apple pay Samsung Pay. it is going to say you have to verify via email. Because you have email access to that account, verify through the e-mail. After you verify from the email. the card will be verified...
  11. File_closed07

    Infinite Amazon Money Method

    What you are going to need: 1. eBay Account. 2. PayPal with around $2-$3 3. Random Name Generator Details Note: the reason you do not need an Amazon account prior to the method is because one will be created whilst carrying out the method. Step 1. Head on over to, and make your way...
  12. File_closed07

    Darknet Dictionary Part 2 (Common Dark Web Lingo)

    Exploit Kits Software kits that identify and exploit vulnerabilities in client machines, typically with the intent of injecting and executing malicious code. Exploits Leveraging vulnerabilities to take advantage of a system. Explosives Reactive materials that rapidly expand (explode) when...
  13. File_closed07

    How to move emails from one g mail account to another

    >>How to Move Emails from One Gmail Account to Another ********* The method is just simple and straight and you will use some of Gmail account settings that will allow you to transfer all the email to another account. And this is a feature of Gmail that probably no one of you was knowing...
  14. File_closed07

    Be mindful! Over 800 Android Software On Google Play Retail outlet Contain 'xavier' Malware

    More than 800 different Android software that contain been downloaded countless times from Google Take up Store found to be infected with malicious advertisement library that silently gathers sensitive user data and can perform dangerous businesses. Dubbed "Xavier, " the malicious ad library, in...
  15. File_closed07

    How to use card in Samsung Pay/ Apple Give And Android Pay

    You require fullz with cvv and email access. sign into email. Place cvv into android pay or apple pay Samsung Pay. it is going to say you have to verify via email. Because you have email access to that account, verify through the e-mail. After you verify from the email. the card will be verified...
  16. File_closed07

    How To SCAM On LocalBitcoins.Com

    How To SCAM On LocalBitcoins.Com Basic Level: Requirements: -Localbitcoins Account with email access (The more feedback, the more you will make and the easier this will be) -Put up to $550 worth of bitcoin into your localbitcoins account -Make a listing for moneypak/vanilla reload and make...
  17. File_closed07

    Darknet Dictionary Part 1 (Common Dark Web Lingo)

    A-PVP A designer drug similar to pyrovalerone. It is a synthetic psychostimulant that can cause hyperstimulation, paranoia, and hallucinations. ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental impairment characterized by a difficultly in maintaining focus and/or...
  18. File_closed07

    How to become a PRO-CARDER

    This is the most basic in carding but it took a long journey for anyone to become Professional Carder here. Everyone carder start out hard and most of them invest quite some money to get started – from buying tutorials, buying the materials – CVV, carding tools and scammed by other people. In...
  19. File_closed07

    Secret of cashout french bank

    THAT IS TUTORIAL FOR TRANSFER MONEY IN SUCCES AND SEND EVRYWHERE IN EUROPE WITH THIS BANK I provide this tutorial now coz level of securiry have lil bit up and soon maybe changed . STEP 1: BANK & INFO Bank : Caisse Epargne ( France ) Info : ID&PASS (to acces account ) and DOB and dept of birth...
  20. File_closed07

    Bitcoin: A Brief Introduction

    Bitcoin: A Brief Introduction A prime example of simple and cheap purchasing via LocalBitcoins. Bitcoin was developed and released in 2009 by an anonymous developer, or group of developers, using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. The real identity of the...
Ad End 1 February 2024