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  1. Anonymous

    how companies are hacked through VMware

    A single administrator error can affect the entire corporate network. The Israeli cybersecurity company Sygnia notes that virtualization platforms such as VMware ESXi often suffer from incorrect settings and vulnerabilities, which makes them attractive targets for hackers. In the course of...
  2. Anonymous

    Gala Games lost more than $200 million as a result of the exploit

    An unknown person has issued and withdrawn 5 billion GALA tokens of the Gala Games Web3 gaming platform for about $210 million, according to Etherscan data. The attacker was able to sell 600 million GALA through the Uniswap decentralized exchange. Against this background, the price of the asset...
  3. Anonymous


    WELLS FARGO EASY $500 CASH OUT METHOD IN 2024 Before I start let me leave this here I’m trying to please everyone, whether you are black, brown, white, or whatever color or race or country you may be from, Admins aim to give you an equal treatment like everybody else. If you purchase our...
  4. Anonymous

    How to protect yourself from internet scammers? The Art of Digital Self-Defense - book review.

    "Hello, my name is UserName and I'm calling you from the Sberbank security service." Recently, more and more people are faced with various manifestations of fraudsters ' actions, trying to extract financial or other equally critical information under any pretext. There are infinitely many ways...
  5. Anonymous

    X vs. scammers: links in posts lead to the wrong place

    How a social network sends you to a site that you don't want to go to. Users of the X social network face an unexpected problem: clicking on external links in posts, they do not get to the specified sites, but to completely different resources. The situation raised concerns after it was...
  6. Anonymous

    Rotten apple: the startup monitoring tool built into macOS turned out to be unsafe

    The vulnerabilities presented at Def Con prove that Apple should reconsider its priorities in fixing bugs. Patrick Wardle, a well-known macOS security researcher, presented at the recent Def Con conference the results of a study according to which the Background Task Management malware...
  7. Anonymous

    Unsafe links: how to recognize and protect yourself

    Checking links for security is an important part of cyber hygiene. Everyone has at least once encountered spam mailings and messages from intruders that include malicious links. When you click on them, you can add a virus to your devices or transfer your personal data to cybercriminals. The...
  8. Anonymous

    SQL injections: how to detect and protect yourself

    Applications and websites today often use databases based on the SQL language. The web application uses it to generate a request to access the required page and search the database for the necessary information. It is precisely because of the prevalence of the SQL language that SQL injection or...
  9. Anonymous

    How to protect yourself from skimming

    What you need to know to avoid becoming a victim of carders-scammers. It happens like this: you find yourself in an unfamiliar place without money. You see an ATM in the alley. Withdraw cash. A few weeks later, a text message arrives: someone in Cape Town is also withdrawing money from your...
  10. Anonymous

    Microsoft Graph API: how a legitimate platform has become a powerful weapon for cybercriminals

    Hackers deploy their own C2 infrastructure at the company's facilities for free, and don't hesitate to use them for malicious purposes. Cybercriminals are increasingly using the Microsoft Graph API to manage malware and bypass detection systems. According to researchers from Symantec, such...
  11. Anonymous

    Fix before release: Path Traversal is the main enemy of developers

    CISA and the FBI are calling for urgent measures to protect the code. CISA and the FBI called on software developers to more actively identify and eliminate path traversal vulnerabilities before releasing products to the market. Such flaws allow an attacker to create or overwrite critical...
  12. Anonymous

    The high-profile story with the Cisco swindler came to an end: the guilty person will answer before the law

    The billion-dollar fraud of state organizations ended with a real prison term. Almost a year after our last publication about an enterprising American fraudster who sold counterfeit Cisco network devices on an astronomical scale, the story finally received a loud continuation. Onur Aksoy, the...
  13. Anonymous

    Espionage and data theft: Xiaomi and Google urgently update software due to problems in smartphones

    Companies respond to vulnerabilities after specialist intervention. Cybersecurity company Oversecured has discovered problems in Android applications from Xiaomi and the Google Android Open Source Project (AOSP) affecting users around the world. The study identified 20 vulnerabilities related...
  14. Anonymous

    9.8 out of 10: ArubaOS is affected by four critical vulnerabilities at once

    Only upgrading to a secure version will protect your network devices from hacking. This week, Aruba Networks, a subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), provided information about ten vulnerabilities in the ArubaOS operating system, of which four are classified as critical. They can lead...
  15. ESCO

    LOIC 1.0.8 - A network stress testing application

    Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is an open source network stress testing and denial-of-service attack application, written in C#. LOIC was initially developed by Praetox Technologies, but was later released into the public domain, and now is hosted on several open source platforms. LOIC performs a...
  16. ESCO

    Unknown hackers stole confidential information about the transportation of Bundestag deputies

    ackers, by analyzing this information, can establish the residences of members of parliament. Unknown persons carried out a hacker attack on the data processing center of the BwFuhrparkService GmBH company. The company is 75.1% owned by the Bundeswehr and 24.9% by Deutsche Bahn AG, it also...
  17. ESCO

    Hacking Remote Pc by Exploiting Java Applet Field Bytecode Verifier Cache Remote Code Execution

    CVE-2012-1723: This is a vulnerability in the HotSpot bytecode verifier where an invalid optimization of GETFIELD/PUTFIELD/GETSTATIC/PUTSTATIC instructions leads to insufficient type checking. A specially-crafted class file could possibly use this flaw to bypass Java sandbox restrictions, and...
  18. ESCO

    [Metasploit Tutorial] Hacking Windows XP using IP Address

    Do you think it is possible to hack some one computer with just an ip address?! The answer is yes, if you are using unpatched(vulnerable) OS. If you don’t believe me, then read the full article. In this article i am going to demonstrate how to hack a remote computer by exploiting the parsing...
  19. ESCO

    DOM Based Cross Site Scripting(XSS) vulnerability Tutorial

    So far i have explained about the Traditional Cross site scripting that occurs because of insecure server-side code. In this post , i am going to explain the DOM Based Cross Site Scripting vulnerability. if you don’t what cross site scripting is, then i recommend you to read the basics from...
  20. ESCO

    How to Bypass SMS Verification - Craigslist, Cash App, Google, Discord, Telegram, Tinder, & 100's More

    This method works for single use text verifications for most major services, but you will not have access to the same number again. If you log out of your account you will lose access. It does not use the VOIP protocol which is what triggers most services to block app based temporary numbers...
Ad End 1 October 2024