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carders forum 2024

  1. File_closed07

    The only real way to check credit cards

    So as we all know most sites,, Vault Market, even Feshop, etc. all have nifty little card checkers to check the card before, or after we buy it so that it is 'live' or has balance and will not be declined at the order payment for whatever site you are using. If you plan to use...
  2. File_closed07

    Visual Protector 0.5 | Fud | Auto-update | Av Scanner

    Visual Protector 0.5 | FUD | Auto-Update | AV Scanner ========== File Binder Injection Type itself VBC Regasm Enable start up start up key remove zone ID Presitance Delay Execute Protect Process Multi Stub Clone PE Assembly Generator Assembly Cloner
  3. File_closed07

    SBF’s Twitter Babble From Letters to Words Enrage Crypto Community

    FTX’s allegedly fraudulent ex-CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) started a series of tweets explaining the exchange’s fallout and an attempt to make amends in the future. As of last week, the accused entrepreneur claimed that FTX US had sufficient funds to “repay all customers.” 12) To the best of my...
  4. File_closed07

    How to successfully make DNA Refund Method

    This tutorial takes you through the DNA refund method, probably the most used method in refund scams. If you have been running various refund methods, you want to know how DNA works, or at least get even better at it. Summarily, the DNA refund method is about using the “items did not arrive”...
  5. File_closed07

    Latest Working Non-VBV BINS 2024

    Beginners to carding always do request for a list of non-VBV BINS. In this short post, I will show you a list of non-vbv bins that you can use for free, and the way to bypass OTP. Carding is evolving and you have to improve your method to be able to beat security. Payments industries continue to...
  6. File_closed07

    New method 2k

    How to Card Amazon ♥ Method 1 Things you will need: Quality CC/CVV to an address, full name, phone number, zip code, city, and state (don’t get junk cards pay good money for good cards) Socks 4/5 to the state and if you can the city since that would be perfect. This sock must have never been...
  7. File_closed07

    Cashing Cvv Refund style

    Cashing Cvv - Refund style Over the last 9 years of me lurking around this scene, taking each year one bust/sting after the other, somethings just never change and that is newbies running up on me on UIN asking the most common question: "hey bro, i'm a noob, how do i make some fast cash?"...
  8. File_closed07

    exPedia Carding Method

    This method is a hit or miss, but has a success rate of 80%. I have tried it 10 times and have been successful 7 times. Things you need. An android phone or an emulator (bluestacks) Good CC with balance. Valid email address under the actual CH name. Make sure to setup email created above as...
  9. File_closed07

    Reverie - automated pentest tools

    Automated Pentest Tools Designed For Parrot Linux. This tool will make your basic pentesting task like Information Gathering, Security Auditing, And Reporting so this tool will do every task fully automatic. Usage Guide Download / Clone Code: git clone...
  10. File_closed07

    Scanqli - scanner to detect sql injection vulnerabilities

    ScanQLi is a simple SQL injection scanner with somes additionals features. This tool can't exploit the SQLi, it just detect them. Tested on Debian 9 Features Classic Blind Time based GBK (soon) Recursive scan (follow all hrefs of the scanned web site) Cookies integration Adjustable wait delay...
  11. File_closed07

    Venmo Transfers / Tutoring & Guides

    Well hello again! Many of you may remember me from the AB/Hansa days. I was the leading vendor handling all things Venmo. I'm back and wanted to reintroduce myself to anyone who is new to this. Venmo is the most popular peer to peer mobile payment application, and extremely easy to cash out if...
  12. File_closed07

    How to build your own botnet in less than 15 minutes

    First tutorial! Hope you enjoy! Let me know that you used it by liking this! Step 1: Find a builder kit (3 minutes) Using a combination of search terms, you can usually find a link to a version of a popular builder kit in 3 minutes or less. Our chosen kit was originally an underground - yet...
  13. Dark_Code_x

    How To Create Own Gmail Without Phone Number

    Desktop is preferred. 1. Download the CCleaner application. 2. Select on custom clean and select browser data and DNS cache. 3. Clear it. 4. Now, when you create a new Gmail account, it does not ask for any OTP verification.
  14. Dark_Code_x

    Findomain - a cross-platform tool

    A cross-platform tool that use Certificates Transparency logs to find subdomains. We currently support Linux, Windows and MacOS. How it works? It tool doesn't use the common methods for sub(domains) discover, the tool uses Certificate Transparency logs to find subdomains and it method make it...
  15. Dark_Code_x

    Miteru - an experimental phishing kit detection tool

    Miteru is an experimental phishing kit detection tool. How it works It collects phishy URLs from the following feeds: CertStream-Suspicious feed via OpenPhish feed via PhishTank feed via Ayashige feed It checks each phishy URL whether it enables directory...
  16. Dark_Code_x

    Crosslinked - LinkedIn Enumeration Tool

    CrossLinked simplifies the processes of searching LinkedIn to collect valid employee names when performing password spraying or another security testing against an organization. Using similar search engine scraping capabilities found in tools like subscraper and pymeta, CrossLinked will find...
Ad End 1 February 2024