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  1. Dark_Code_x

    shut down thousands of Dark Web sites for hosting child porn

    Mysterious, as you might be aware, is an infamous gathering of hacktivists having impressions across the web including the Dull Web, where a wide range of criminal operations like kid sexual entertainment and medications managing are done cryptically. Unknown, as you might be aware, is a famous...
  2. Dark_Code_x

    Hits Russian Ministry of Culture- Leaks 446GB

    The Mysterious hacktivists aggregate has designated the Russian Service of Culture and released 446 GB worth of information on the web. The cyberattack was done as a feature of the aggregate's continuous activity OpRussia against the country's intrusion of Ukraine. Unknown, as far as we might...
  3. Dark_Code_x

    Hits 3 Russian Entities, Leaks 400 GB Worth of Emails

    Mysterious has made Activity OpRussia a stride further by focusing on Aerogas, Woods, and Petrovsky Stronghold, which turned out to be monsters in their separate businesses. The web-based hacktivist aggregate Mysterious has hit three additional objectives in its continuous activity #OpRussia...
  4. Dark_Code_x

    Affiliate NB65 Breach State-Run Russian Broadcaster

    NB65 (Organization Regiment 65) is a programmer bunch connected with the Unknown hacktivist aggregate. The gathering professes to have penetrated the servers of Russian state-run TV and radio telecaster called the "All-Russia State TV and Radio Telecom Organization" (VGTRK). Unknown's Twitter...
  5. File_closed07

    Be mindful! Over 800 Android Software On Google Play Retail outlet Contain 'xavier' Malware

    More than 800 different Android software that contain been downloaded countless times from Google Take up Store found to be infected with malicious advertisement library that silently gathers sensitive user data and can perform dangerous businesses. Dubbed "Xavier, " the malicious ad library, in...
  6. File_closed07

    How to use card in Samsung Pay/ Apple Give And Android Pay

    You require fullz with cvv and email access. sign into email. Place cvv into android pay or apple pay Samsung Pay. it is going to say you have to verify via email. Because you have email access to that account, verify through the e-mail. After you verify from the email. the card will be verified...
  7. Dark_Code_x


    There are two types of failed carding attempts: declined checkout and cancellation emails. I will go over both. **Decline at checkout** When using a credit card, an authorization request is sent to the bank first asking for permission to use the funds. For the transaction to successfully go...
  8. Dark_Code_x


    Cyber-criminals behind a cyber-attack on a Florida school district are demanding a ransom payment of $40m in cryptocurrency. The computer system of Broward County Public Schools was compromised at the beginning of March by data-locking ransomware in a Conti gang operation. The attack caused a...
  9. Dark_Code_x


    Welcome back in the last Wireless tutorial we talked a little about hacking WPA/WPA2 passwords using brute forcing methods in this tutorial Hack Wi-Fi Networks Without Cracking Wifiphisher. We will talk about hacking WPA/WPA2 networks without using brute force methods by creating a Evil Twin...
  10. Dark_Code_x


    Time is priceless. We should not waste our time with these deposit files. Waiting to get the download link will make us vexed. So Now we skip the waiting time in deposit . It is easy to hack the deposit files website. If you like to download the files from without...
  11. Dark_Code_x


    This is old trick but new to Break The security. I hope that you have seen three LED lights in your keyboard, for indicating NUM lock, Scroll and Caps lock. You can use those LED lights for indicating Network activity. Using this trick, we can make the Num and Scroll lock LED for indication...
  12. Dark_Code_x


    This post is especially for idea users. Now use idea 3G daily plan for free. First of all activate the daily plan by dialing *567*910#(have to maintain balance above 10rs). Access point apn is imis. At the night(11pm to 3am), seduce the balance below 5rs by making calls and sending sms. Now the...
  13. Dark_Code_x


    Let us the assume this situation: You far from your pc, you want some data files urgently that is in your pc. What will you do? You have to go home and bring it, it may take too much time. This can fixed by uploading all files in some private hosting service. So you can access it from whenever...
  14. File_closed07

    Darknet Dictionary Part 3 (Common Dark Web Lingo)

    Opium Dried latex from the opium poppy that contains morphine alkaloid such as morphine, or if the poppy is specially bred, codeine. OPSEC An abbreviation for operation security, the process of identifying critical information that may be used by others for purposes not beneficial to...
  15. File_closed07

    How To Make Dorks - HQ MQ LQ Dorks For Get Vulnerable Website

    First of all: Some teory. ¿What Is A Dork? A Dork query, sometimes just referred to as a dork, is a search string that uses advanced search operators to find information that is not readily available on a website. dorking, also known as search hacking, can return information that is...
Ad End 1 February 2024