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  1. Dark_Code_x


    AutoRDPwn is a script created in Powershell and designed to automate the Shadow attack on Microsoft Windows computers. This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to view his victim's desktop without his consent, and even control it on request. For its correct operation, it is necessary to...
  2. Dark_Code_x

    Hacking POS codes Lis

    00 Approved authorization/transaction 01 Call 02 Refer card to issuer 03 Invalid division code 04 Pickup 05 Do not honor 06 Other error 08 Approved, honor with ID 10 Default call 11 Approved VIP approval 12 Invalid Transaction Type 13 Bad amount 14 Invalid credit card number 15 Default call Low...
  3. Dark_Code_x


    Table of Contents Introduction To Pinterest Traffic Secrets … Quick & Easy Setup … Creating an Optimized Profile… The About Section … Adding Value to your Profile … Social Connect … Pinning Content … Uploading an Image or Pinning from a URL … Pinning with a Browser Add-On … Re-Pinning Content...
  4. Dark_Code_x

    ATM Hack - Get Much More Money Than You Withdraw

    Hacking an ATM machine is something that has been there for a very long time, currently many of the developed countries do have an idea of how it is done so have taken security measure to prevent that from happening changing the default configurations and customizing the device. From the PDF...
  5. Dark_Code_x

    Getting setup with Tails

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Tails is not a get out of jail free card, and it can't ensure against compromised equipment, compromised software, or user _error_. These steps may appear to be straightforward, yet for Tails to give legitimate assurance it's fundamental you follow the most up to date...
  6. Dark_Code_x

    virtual Carding XBOX / PSN / Steam wallet

    now step 1 : look for potential buyer ask them what payment method they can do ? if they say paypal btc or any . tell them hmm i don't have those payment method ,can you buy me something online for 5$ ? if they agree. tell then you need him to buy you something in offgamers so ask them from what...
  7. Dark_Code_x


    **************Tool Features****************** ▶ Get Top liked posts by hashtag ▶ Send auto likes & comments ▶ Get people to follow from a specific post ▶ Filter people by 50% that will follow you back ▶ See who unfollowed you ▶ See pending follow request ▶ unfollow multiple people at once ▶ set...
  8. Dark_Code_x

    How To Create Own Gmail Without Phone Number

    Desktop is preferred. 1. Download the CCleaner application. 2. Select on custom clean and select browser data and DNS cache. 3. Clear it. 4. Now, when you create a new Gmail account, it does not ask for any OTP verification.
  9. Dark_Code_x

    Findomain - a cross-platform tool

    A cross-platform tool that use Certificates Transparency logs to find subdomains. We currently support Linux, Windows and MacOS. How it works? It tool doesn't use the common methods for sub(domains) discover, the tool uses Certificate Transparency logs to find subdomains and it method make it...
  10. Dark_Code_x

    Miteru - an experimental phishing kit detection tool

    Miteru is an experimental phishing kit detection tool. How it works It collects phishy URLs from the following feeds: CertStream-Suspicious feed via OpenPhish feed via PhishTank feed via Ayashige feed It checks each phishy URL whether it enables directory...
  11. Dark_Code_x

    Crosslinked - LinkedIn Enumeration Tool

    CrossLinked simplifies the processes of searching LinkedIn to collect valid employee names when performing password spraying or another security testing against an organization. Using similar search engine scraping capabilities found in tools like subscraper and pymeta, CrossLinked will find...
  12. Dark_Code_x

    Automated Blind SQL Injection Attacking Tools

    What is Blind SQL Injection: Some Websites are vulnerable to SQL Injection but the results of injection are not visible to the attacker. In this situation, Blind SQL Injection is used. The page with the vulnerability may not be one that displays data but will display differently depending on the...
  13. Dark_Code_x

    Cangibrina – admin dashboard finder tool

    Cangibrina is a Python-based multi platform admin dashboard finder tool which aims to obtain the location of website dashboards by using brute-force, wordlists, Google, Nmap and robots.txt. It is multi-threaded, supports modifying your user agent, using a TOR proxy, custom dorks, Nmap...
  14. Dark_Code_x

    Airbnb carding tutorial, Air bnb carding method

    Step 1. Get a few good CC's. Step 2. Make 2 new Airbnb accounts... 1 in the cw's name. And one in your name, or whoever is renting the Airbnb. Step 3. Get your socks5/vpn ready & connect to the cvv's city. Step 4. Sign into the account with the cvv on it and purchase $200 gift cards to send...
  15. Dark_Code_x

    What is Computer/Browser Cookies? ~Use of Cookies

    Different Types of Cookies: Session cookie A session cookie upto certain hours,depending on website. After the session hour, it will be destroyed. Persistent Cookie A persistent cookie will outlast user sessions. If a persistent cookie has its Max-Age set to 1 year, then, within the year, the...
  16. Dark_Code_x

    PDF Unlocker – PDF Password Removal and Unlocker Tool

    Features of Appnimi PDF Unlocker: It is free and Easy to use Support Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Win 7 Systems Recovers user password required to open the file Use Bruteforce attack or Dictionary Attack Method The exe in the installation directory is portable Unlocks any...
  17. Dark_Code_x

    How to Hack the remote system using Remote Administration Tools?

    Today let us start our article with conversation. What is RATs (Remote Administration Tools)? N00b: Hello BreakTheSec, i heard a new Keyword RATs in hacking world? what is it? I know only about this rats. BreakTheSec: RATs are known as Remote Administration Tools. I hope you understand what it...
  18. Dark_Code_x

    Silent Crypto Miner (xmr + Eth) V2.0.2 (cpu + Gpu)

    Silent Crypto Miner (xmr + eth) v2.0.2 (CPU + GPU) The best miner at the moment (among the free ones), everything is translated, if there are errors somewhere, write to HP, I will fix it. The miner itself is written in c #, which makes it easy to encrypt. Miner review for those who do not...
  19. Dark_Code_x

    Installing OpenVAS on Kali Linux

    OpenVAS installation Let’s start with installing OpenVAS and run the following commands in a terminal session to download and install OpenVAS: The last commands is setting up OpenVAS and is synchronizing the NVT feed with the NVT collection on your machine. Depending on your connection...
  20. Dark_Code_x

    Getting setup with Tails (TUT)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Tails is not a get out of jail free card, and it can't ensure against compromised equipment, compromised software, or user _error_. These steps may appear to be straightforward, yet for Tails to give legitimate assurance it's fundamental you follow the most up to date...
Ad End 1 February 2024