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Jun 13, 2020
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Easily create an anonymous VPN and Proxy with Digital Ocean, no logs, destroy at any time with no trace. You can use this for your own personal server if you wish but the whole purpose of this script is to create disposable VPN's in DigitalOcean or any other VPS Provider. (D.O. confirmed they do not track what goes on within the VPS).

Distributions: Ubuntu


Download the files

git clone

CD Into the folder and make the scipt executable

cd auto-vpn

chmod +x {,}

Run the script:


During Updates, you may be asked which grub configuration to use, just select to keep the current (default selected)

During the setup, select yes on the prompts for IP Tables

At the end of the script, you will be given a URL including user/pass to download the config files later as well as the proxy address and port to use in either your browser or network settings.. Take a note of it!

Windows Client:

Run the script and add the client name.

./ Client-Name

The Script will automatically generate a configuration file for this VPN and make it available from the URL provided earlier during setup. If you forget the URL, its just https://<VPS IP>/<client name>.zip.

After installing the OpenVPN Client in Windows, rename the tun interface it creates to "OpenVPN" so the config works as it should.

In the ZIP, copy its contents to your OpenVPN Directory in C:\Users\<your username>\OpenVPN\config\.

Linux Client:

For linux, it is easier to just configure the VPN connection using the Network Manager Interface. If you want to connect to the VPN via the CLI, you will have to go through the trouble of creating the TUN interface yourself so OpenVPN can tap into it.

Open the "Edit Connections" window.
Select the "+" to add a new connection.
Select OpenVPN from the dropdown and click Create.
Give the connection a name.
In the VPN tab, add the following:

Gateway: VPS IP Address
Type: Certificate (TLS)
CA certificate: ca.crt
User certificate: client.crt
User private key: client.key

In the same VPN tab, click on Advanced.
In the Advanced window under the General tab, select:

Use a TCP connection
Set virtual device type: TUN

In the Security tab, select the Cipher to be AES-256-CBC.
In the TLS Authentication tab, select:

Mode: TLS-Auth
Key File: ta.key
Key Direction: 1

Then click OK and Save.
Ad End 1 July 2024