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Employing both Tor and a VPN can be difficult, and even dangerous if done improperly. Routing VPN traffic through Tor or vice versa has certain major benefits, as well as disadvantages, depending on your threat model. This kind of article will briefly describe when, and how, to work with both Durchgang and a VPN.
VPN To Durchgang

I. at the packets exit the VPN before going in to the Treffer network

Using Tor through a VPN has some advantages, the most major being it hides the fact that you are currently using Durchgang from your internet interconnection. This would have recently been an advantage to the pupil who submitted an explosive device threat over Tor (ofcourse not that I condone ever before doing that), when this individual was deanonymized by being the sole person to be using Tor at the time in Harvard's network logs. Using Treffer by using a VPN would have hidden the simple fact that he was using Tor at all. In addition, adding extra non-Tor traffic through the VPN helps to obfuscate Tor use, and therefore prevents traffic analysis to a certain extent.

Where this create fails is at covering your traffic from a malicious Tor exit-node. For the reason that traffic goes through the VPN, and then to the Tor network, quit nodes can still watch your traffic unencrypted.

Likewise, if the VPN supplier is logging traffic, then by using a VPN defintely won't be too much different from simply using your ISP. In fact, because it should be assumed that there is always a chance that your VPN is logging traffic (even if they claim they don't), then you really are gambling that the VPN is providing you the protection you require. If firelogs are kept, then the traffic may easily be related back to your real IP.

Again going rear to the Harvard explosive device threat, if he acquired used a VPN that logged his traffic, the police could have visited all the VPN providers that were linked to the network at the time and called for any logs with a courtroom order (and a VPN company won't close for you). Because a possibility of VPN operators logging activity always exists, my own view is that if your menace model requires that you hide your Tor traffic from your ISP, then you need to not use that ISP at all. Get find some public Wi-fi (though this is a tip we should pay attention to whenever a high level of anonymity is desired).

If you do insist on routing Treffer through your VPN, then this setup is fairly easy. Simply hook up to the VPN and then wide open Tor Browser (less safe) or Whonix (more safe).
Tor To VPN

Laptop > Encrypt w/ VPN > Durchgang Entry > Treffer Exit > Decrypt w/ VPN > Vacation spot

This settings, to me, brings a greater degree of benefits to running both Portal and a VPN than the prior configuration does indeed. Routing your traffic through Tor to your VPN has the major good thing about hiding traffic from destructive exit nodes. Because traffic is encrypted with the VPN before entering the Tor network, also because it is decrypted after leaving the Tor network, any exit relays that are snooping your traffic will see nothing but noise. The hazards of VPN logging are also reduced, as any logs will have a Tor Get out of IP attached to it rather than your real IP (and usually really meta-data that is logged, not content).

Of course the difficulty in doing this is buying the VPN in the first place. Even though the Storage space will only see your IP to be that of the exit relay, your anonymity will be ruined if it has economic record of you. For this reason, washed/anonymized Bitcoins, or much better Darkcoins, must be used to get the VPN. You will also have you can put purchase over Durchgang to ensure that the VPN has no first record of your accounts, and that the purchase IP doesn't appear on the blockchain (remember to check that the website you aren't visiting is authentic, and using HTTPS). You should also remember to never hook up to the VPN without first going through Tor. This requires some strict security habits, but rather if your threat model warrants this sort of security then you don't need much choice.
Ad End 1 July 2024