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  1. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    I see work has started and you decided to come in from the ref. Well, great, I’ll work with the top cards.
  2. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    I recommend trying to work with today's UP, there is money in the CC.
  3. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    I don’t know what you guys want, there are a lot of CCs in DB for every taste!!!
  4. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    Thank you guys for the cheap Europe in the big update, it was perfect for my job. Result +
  5. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    Marko had a great week from start to finish. For the last UP separate thank u.
  6. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    I will only say thank you and express my desire to see similar again.
  7. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    Thanks for the quality stoff, I also from sources like the quality from spam db. I'd love to see them too
  8. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    On the new CCs, I agree, but I'm still doing okay on profits.
  9. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    I'm new to the shop and I'll say with certainty that the stouff here is much better than 90% of other shops
  10. M

    == MARKO POLO == FIX PRICE 1$ NoREF AND 10$ with REF Material Cards

    That's fucking great news. Thanks, bro. Just in time for the end of the week, another bonus.
Ad End 1 February 2024