Well-known member
You discovered it too late. We eat more at Marko's. It is much cooler here than in other places.I have chosen my favorite country to work. Bro, please update with her more often.
You discovered it too late. We eat more at Marko's. It is much cooler here than in other places.I have chosen my favorite country to work. Bro, please update with her more often.
I made friends with crypto. The result is great. Bro thanks.upload [85k US VR 34 BEST BASE REF ]
It's like a nuclear bomb. The cards shot as they should.upload [2000cc VHQ REF]
upload [80k VR 22 US CHEAP NoREF]
upload [VR 36 CANADA REF]
+1k$ this morning, waiting for payment. I'm fucking happy with the result.upload [VHQ 1400cc US REF]
Yes, everyone just emphasizes the point that USA is TOP. And the last db is proof of this)No matter what anyone says, US is the TOP!!!!
The time spent working with db was spent with maximum benefit. THXupload [VHQ 1400cc US REF]
Great update, I'll take a big piece, it's a pleasure doing business with you bro.upload [VHQ 1400cc US REF]