Let’s keep this sweet and short -
we are all anonymous and you should not trust us and we do not trust you. Do not trust others as human instinct fails in the long run. This is simply a guide to correctly hack a system from the inside without getting caught. You can do this yourself if you’re tech savvy or you claim ignorance while you put an infected device that allow your tech savvy accomplice to do your dirty work. Here’s some quick notices for beginners:
1. The more people you add to your scheme, the more likely you may get caught.
2. Deal with those you trust, and you cannot trust people who are anonymous no matter how long you’ve known them.
3. Understand that everyone is vested in their own interest and may throw you under the bus if compromised, there is no honor amongst thieves.
4. Evaluate all risk factors if Failure / Successful– Loss of jobs? Salaries? Confidential Data? This guide is fully aware that not all the readers are interested in corporate espionage, in fact, some may have jobs to detect and thwart it. This guide is not a comprehensive guide to hacking, nor is it there to teach you the ABCs of hacking. This assumes you have a basic knowledge of technology - you can use a computer – and are motivated enough to find other answers. The creator of this book is really helpful if there is any questions, comments, and concerns – email them to Makhter has been a security researcher with a blackhat side for quite a while. He has worked on many Corporate Hacking schemes before and knows how to get useful information from some of the useless sites and solutions out there. Who Should / Is Reading this Guide This guide is written for an audience that is interested in hacking coworkers, bosses, corporations they work for and perhaps even the clients they supply to. The new corporate world is keeping close eyes on employees, especially those that have access to confidential data and critical systems. Evading the digital forensics and hiding those traces are key to successful hacks. Readers should have a deep interest in taking down someone or gaining restricted access. This being said, there are multiple readers who will not do anything with this information or will perhaps find ways to defeat this effort. To those people we say tough luck – these are concepts that can be replicated throughout the ages and does not pertain to a single group. You should be fairly technical, although this is not for those “Leet” enough to develop their own zero-day exploits or use the latest bugs like the HeartBleed bug that came out at the time of writing this guide. The more your technical prowess, the more likely you are to come up with complicated attacks that can’t be traced, but a simple key-logger with enough caution goes a long way. Reason for Hacking Another day in the office. You’re in your cubicle or office working on that report or researching the new trends. The same thing you’ve been doing for 5, 10, 20 years. You are that ideal worker every corporation wants and needs, a cog in the wheel, rotating endlessly. If you only evaluated your position in life and your future, you would see the helplessness of your situation. As you make that paycheck every other week to feed your family and pay your bills, you wonder how your life would have changed if you became a business owner, if you had enough money to quit that job and retire. There’s a lot of hair-brained get rich schemes out there, some of them straight up scams, others just gimmicks. Those stocks you own aren’t doing as well as you hoped, that IRA and 401k seem forever out of reach. Your mind wanders to thinking how it is you got this job. Perhaps you didn’t get that promotion or you wonder why your work wasn’t being appreciated by your superiors. Cutbacks and layoffs are always happening in your company, and you feel very expendable. The 9 to 5 grind makes you crazy, because even though your company brags about a stress-free environment and a gym membership for its employees, you never got to use the gym membership and your days are filled with stress. You are one of the million workers that make this world run. A system where Governments make money, to give them to banks and corporations so that they can give them to you, at a pay-rate that makes you sacrifice your life for the end goal of consistent competition, consumerism and capitalism. HACKERS UNITED The Free Guide to Corporate Hacking / Espionage Imagine if you would, the ability to counterfeit money as good as the ones out of the mint. They could be used to pay off all your bills and get you out of your financial woes. What if you knew how that project you did would advance the fields of medicine, however, your company is keeping it secret for I.P. reasons. What if your coworker/boss that you hate seems to get a free ride while you do all the work? You get paid 40$ per hour while the company is overbilling the government for your work with a GSA rate 3 times that value. Edward Snowden is a rights activist hero defending the people against corrupt government, but imagine if he maintained his position in Booz-Allen while leaking all the confidential data he leaked. If Edward Snowden had this guide, he would not have needed to run to Russia and become a fugitive. He would just have been an anonymous actor of good from the inside. Hacking has the potential for great change, either good or bad. In the end it depends on an individual’s level of conscience and integrity. Hackers are interested in getting access into systems, confidential data and changing the system from inside. You have a parking ticket, your friend in the court database can take care of that. Your house in foreclosure, remove it from the foreclosed database from the bank. Everyone has access to a small piece of this data-driven world and, with sharing, everyone is able to benefit. The Steps to Hacking You work somewhere in a large corporation with limited access and you want to know what steps to take to find your way into the system. You may not have technical skill to pull a hacking heist but you did get this guide from the Dark Net. The dark net is the best place to meet hackers – IRC, Forums, and Markets - just don’t trust them completely. There is a good deal of tools you many need to buy or partner for. Makhter makes custom software for crawling systems and hacking networks. First thing you will need to do is steal access from someone else or create your own access. This is to hide your actions under the guise of someone else. This can be done using a software or hardware keylogger, or something like metasploit. A software keylogger needs to be combined with a boot authorization bypass such as Kon-boot or OphCrack if the victim’s computer is off. This guide assumes you know how to pirate software using Bittorrent and ThePirateBay or whichever torrent site and P2P sharing tool you use. For laptops only use software keyloggers and ones that do not require an install process for quick deployment. There are a few that can be found online and it is a relatively simple program for hackers to make provided they know basic coding skills (Windows – C$ .Net, Macs – Xcode / Objective-C, Linux – GNU C++) from open-source solutions. I would not trust compiled keyloggers unless I fully vetted them under a Virtual Machine (VM). For desktop computers and computer terminals with weird OS/applications on start, you may need to have some hardware keyloggers handy. You could also use RAT Trojans to gain full access to the system (google around for them). There is many times when you get software from the DarkNet and you are not sure what it does, what it doesn’t do and what more it does than what is stated. The way to vet any compiled software is to use a packet sniffer like WireShark or Fiddler and observe it during a test run of the application. Some tools allow for HTTPS decryption by installing a rogue SSL Certificate (such as Fiddler for Windows OS). This allows you to see the exact messages being sent to servers to make sure it does what is intended and nothing more. Comb the captured data for login details to Emails/websites/corporate intranets (Salesforce) of the other person and ensure their emails are either forwarding to a fake account you have access to or have a cloned mailbox with their POP/IMAP settings to get mail from them as soon as it comes. You must create an alert system, a way to know when you are compromised and leave your activities. Do not access the information you got while in the office. Wait until you are at a public Wi-Fi spot (or at your home while using TOR or strong proxies before utilization). If you work for a retail company or a website designing firm, you could place a small bit of JavaScript on front-end web servers of checkout process to capture credit card information. This won’t help you to cash out in real life because the CVC1 codes are missing, but anything digital like eBooks, Software, Subscriptions, Steam Games, PSN / XBOX live games, Penny Auction Bids and more can be purchased using stolen Credit/Debit Card data. Know that you won’t affect peoples’ bank accounts because banks now have automated ways of detecting fraud and automatically reimbursing the cardholders. But we’re not here for Credit Cards, We’re here for access and data. You can put the same JavaScript or backend PHP to capture usernames and passwords to login portals. If it’s an intranet, you have the possibility to capture more targets in your organization and masquerade as them instead. The JavaScript / PHP function should do a simple HTTP request to a 3rd party like Parse.com or Cloudmine account so you can store and visualize the data. HACKERS UNITED The Free Guide to Corporate Hacking / Espionage Combing through emails are a great way of finding dirt on an employee. It’s also a good way to learn your opponent and find the chain of command. But this doesn’t mean you’re done. Only if you worked in a very small company would this be the solution to your problem. For larger organization, there are IDS/IPS and active Firewalls that might be detecting activities on the network. In government there are Secure Operation Centers that are monitoring 24/7 and storing that information. This is why the next step is gaining an anonymous user on the network. You need to find a vacant computer or Ethernet jack on a router or wall socket. Vacant computers are easy, everything is network connected, so a Trojan would give you or your remote tech-savvy accomplice to access the network. For an Ethernet jack, you need to connect it to a laptop you have not connected previously to the network. Most networks in large corporations and sometimes small businesses keep network history for quite a while. This new terminal would be your first entry point into the system. Have you or your techy friend setup a VPN or SSH into the terminal so as to get remote access afterhours. Make sure the terminal OS is Linux – Preferably the latest Backtrack build. Backtrack contains Metasploit and Armitage, which are really fun tools for pivoting (jumping from access to access) and hacking a network. If you haven’t practiced with Metasploit or Armitage, it would be best to play around with your own networks or VMs. Make sure you are really good at knowing the most useful exploits to use against your specific network, if your corporations uses a lot of Macs instead of Windows, use exploits that are specific for hacking that OS. There are a lot of videos online for Armitage usage, and training yourself in this tool will take about a week. Armitage is able to map out the network using NMAP and Nessus scans. Once the network architecture is fully realized, you need to gain access to whichever computer has access to databases. If your company has a third party that is storing the data, capture the officials emails that is in charge of communicating with the third party. For smaller organizations, you can do a whois domain registry search online to find the official. There is a possibility for more than one person to be in contact with the third party, however, once you gain access to the mail server management, you can create a rule to prevent the others from getting emails. The domain registrar is in charge of where the mail is sent (MX record) and possibly hosts it themselves. You can have the MX record changed such that your personal mail server can receive all the mail before forwarding it to their mail server. This should only be done if either you have good connections abroad to setup such a mail-server because smart email filters will notice all their mail coming from the same IP. For small companies, you can get domain registrars to connect to your shadow servers, to mimic interactions just as the site would but instead would be sending data straight to you. This is also quite difficult and needs knowledge of web-scraping.
Do everything after understanding the risks involved, and do it with the level of caution advised. Only you can truly know the level of protection your institution has. Try to remove traces of your actions from logs and the files you leave behind. Create a backdoor as a contingency plan. Risk should balance reward, and if there isn’t much in your organization worth stealing or gaining access to, then there is no need for this guid
we are all anonymous and you should not trust us and we do not trust you. Do not trust others as human instinct fails in the long run. This is simply a guide to correctly hack a system from the inside without getting caught. You can do this yourself if you’re tech savvy or you claim ignorance while you put an infected device that allow your tech savvy accomplice to do your dirty work. Here’s some quick notices for beginners:
1. The more people you add to your scheme, the more likely you may get caught.
2. Deal with those you trust, and you cannot trust people who are anonymous no matter how long you’ve known them.
3. Understand that everyone is vested in their own interest and may throw you under the bus if compromised, there is no honor amongst thieves.
4. Evaluate all risk factors if Failure / Successful– Loss of jobs? Salaries? Confidential Data? This guide is fully aware that not all the readers are interested in corporate espionage, in fact, some may have jobs to detect and thwart it. This guide is not a comprehensive guide to hacking, nor is it there to teach you the ABCs of hacking. This assumes you have a basic knowledge of technology - you can use a computer – and are motivated enough to find other answers. The creator of this book is really helpful if there is any questions, comments, and concerns – email them to Makhter has been a security researcher with a blackhat side for quite a while. He has worked on many Corporate Hacking schemes before and knows how to get useful information from some of the useless sites and solutions out there. Who Should / Is Reading this Guide This guide is written for an audience that is interested in hacking coworkers, bosses, corporations they work for and perhaps even the clients they supply to. The new corporate world is keeping close eyes on employees, especially those that have access to confidential data and critical systems. Evading the digital forensics and hiding those traces are key to successful hacks. Readers should have a deep interest in taking down someone or gaining restricted access. This being said, there are multiple readers who will not do anything with this information or will perhaps find ways to defeat this effort. To those people we say tough luck – these are concepts that can be replicated throughout the ages and does not pertain to a single group. You should be fairly technical, although this is not for those “Leet” enough to develop their own zero-day exploits or use the latest bugs like the HeartBleed bug that came out at the time of writing this guide. The more your technical prowess, the more likely you are to come up with complicated attacks that can’t be traced, but a simple key-logger with enough caution goes a long way. Reason for Hacking Another day in the office. You’re in your cubicle or office working on that report or researching the new trends. The same thing you’ve been doing for 5, 10, 20 years. You are that ideal worker every corporation wants and needs, a cog in the wheel, rotating endlessly. If you only evaluated your position in life and your future, you would see the helplessness of your situation. As you make that paycheck every other week to feed your family and pay your bills, you wonder how your life would have changed if you became a business owner, if you had enough money to quit that job and retire. There’s a lot of hair-brained get rich schemes out there, some of them straight up scams, others just gimmicks. Those stocks you own aren’t doing as well as you hoped, that IRA and 401k seem forever out of reach. Your mind wanders to thinking how it is you got this job. Perhaps you didn’t get that promotion or you wonder why your work wasn’t being appreciated by your superiors. Cutbacks and layoffs are always happening in your company, and you feel very expendable. The 9 to 5 grind makes you crazy, because even though your company brags about a stress-free environment and a gym membership for its employees, you never got to use the gym membership and your days are filled with stress. You are one of the million workers that make this world run. A system where Governments make money, to give them to banks and corporations so that they can give them to you, at a pay-rate that makes you sacrifice your life for the end goal of consistent competition, consumerism and capitalism. HACKERS UNITED The Free Guide to Corporate Hacking / Espionage Imagine if you would, the ability to counterfeit money as good as the ones out of the mint. They could be used to pay off all your bills and get you out of your financial woes. What if you knew how that project you did would advance the fields of medicine, however, your company is keeping it secret for I.P. reasons. What if your coworker/boss that you hate seems to get a free ride while you do all the work? You get paid 40$ per hour while the company is overbilling the government for your work with a GSA rate 3 times that value. Edward Snowden is a rights activist hero defending the people against corrupt government, but imagine if he maintained his position in Booz-Allen while leaking all the confidential data he leaked. If Edward Snowden had this guide, he would not have needed to run to Russia and become a fugitive. He would just have been an anonymous actor of good from the inside. Hacking has the potential for great change, either good or bad. In the end it depends on an individual’s level of conscience and integrity. Hackers are interested in getting access into systems, confidential data and changing the system from inside. You have a parking ticket, your friend in the court database can take care of that. Your house in foreclosure, remove it from the foreclosed database from the bank. Everyone has access to a small piece of this data-driven world and, with sharing, everyone is able to benefit. The Steps to Hacking You work somewhere in a large corporation with limited access and you want to know what steps to take to find your way into the system. You may not have technical skill to pull a hacking heist but you did get this guide from the Dark Net. The dark net is the best place to meet hackers – IRC, Forums, and Markets - just don’t trust them completely. There is a good deal of tools you many need to buy or partner for. Makhter makes custom software for crawling systems and hacking networks. First thing you will need to do is steal access from someone else or create your own access. This is to hide your actions under the guise of someone else. This can be done using a software or hardware keylogger, or something like metasploit. A software keylogger needs to be combined with a boot authorization bypass such as Kon-boot or OphCrack if the victim’s computer is off. This guide assumes you know how to pirate software using Bittorrent and ThePirateBay or whichever torrent site and P2P sharing tool you use. For laptops only use software keyloggers and ones that do not require an install process for quick deployment. There are a few that can be found online and it is a relatively simple program for hackers to make provided they know basic coding skills (Windows – C$ .Net, Macs – Xcode / Objective-C, Linux – GNU C++) from open-source solutions. I would not trust compiled keyloggers unless I fully vetted them under a Virtual Machine (VM). For desktop computers and computer terminals with weird OS/applications on start, you may need to have some hardware keyloggers handy. You could also use RAT Trojans to gain full access to the system (google around for them). There is many times when you get software from the DarkNet and you are not sure what it does, what it doesn’t do and what more it does than what is stated. The way to vet any compiled software is to use a packet sniffer like WireShark or Fiddler and observe it during a test run of the application. Some tools allow for HTTPS decryption by installing a rogue SSL Certificate (such as Fiddler for Windows OS). This allows you to see the exact messages being sent to servers to make sure it does what is intended and nothing more. Comb the captured data for login details to Emails/websites/corporate intranets (Salesforce) of the other person and ensure their emails are either forwarding to a fake account you have access to or have a cloned mailbox with their POP/IMAP settings to get mail from them as soon as it comes. You must create an alert system, a way to know when you are compromised and leave your activities. Do not access the information you got while in the office. Wait until you are at a public Wi-Fi spot (or at your home while using TOR or strong proxies before utilization). If you work for a retail company or a website designing firm, you could place a small bit of JavaScript on front-end web servers of checkout process to capture credit card information. This won’t help you to cash out in real life because the CVC1 codes are missing, but anything digital like eBooks, Software, Subscriptions, Steam Games, PSN / XBOX live games, Penny Auction Bids and more can be purchased using stolen Credit/Debit Card data. Know that you won’t affect peoples’ bank accounts because banks now have automated ways of detecting fraud and automatically reimbursing the cardholders. But we’re not here for Credit Cards, We’re here for access and data. You can put the same JavaScript or backend PHP to capture usernames and passwords to login portals. If it’s an intranet, you have the possibility to capture more targets in your organization and masquerade as them instead. The JavaScript / PHP function should do a simple HTTP request to a 3rd party like Parse.com or Cloudmine account so you can store and visualize the data. HACKERS UNITED The Free Guide to Corporate Hacking / Espionage Combing through emails are a great way of finding dirt on an employee. It’s also a good way to learn your opponent and find the chain of command. But this doesn’t mean you’re done. Only if you worked in a very small company would this be the solution to your problem. For larger organization, there are IDS/IPS and active Firewalls that might be detecting activities on the network. In government there are Secure Operation Centers that are monitoring 24/7 and storing that information. This is why the next step is gaining an anonymous user on the network. You need to find a vacant computer or Ethernet jack on a router or wall socket. Vacant computers are easy, everything is network connected, so a Trojan would give you or your remote tech-savvy accomplice to access the network. For an Ethernet jack, you need to connect it to a laptop you have not connected previously to the network. Most networks in large corporations and sometimes small businesses keep network history for quite a while. This new terminal would be your first entry point into the system. Have you or your techy friend setup a VPN or SSH into the terminal so as to get remote access afterhours. Make sure the terminal OS is Linux – Preferably the latest Backtrack build. Backtrack contains Metasploit and Armitage, which are really fun tools for pivoting (jumping from access to access) and hacking a network. If you haven’t practiced with Metasploit or Armitage, it would be best to play around with your own networks or VMs. Make sure you are really good at knowing the most useful exploits to use against your specific network, if your corporations uses a lot of Macs instead of Windows, use exploits that are specific for hacking that OS. There are a lot of videos online for Armitage usage, and training yourself in this tool will take about a week. Armitage is able to map out the network using NMAP and Nessus scans. Once the network architecture is fully realized, you need to gain access to whichever computer has access to databases. If your company has a third party that is storing the data, capture the officials emails that is in charge of communicating with the third party. For smaller organizations, you can do a whois domain registry search online to find the official. There is a possibility for more than one person to be in contact with the third party, however, once you gain access to the mail server management, you can create a rule to prevent the others from getting emails. The domain registrar is in charge of where the mail is sent (MX record) and possibly hosts it themselves. You can have the MX record changed such that your personal mail server can receive all the mail before forwarding it to their mail server. This should only be done if either you have good connections abroad to setup such a mail-server because smart email filters will notice all their mail coming from the same IP. For small companies, you can get domain registrars to connect to your shadow servers, to mimic interactions just as the site would but instead would be sending data straight to you. This is also quite difficult and needs knowledge of web-scraping.
Do everything after understanding the risks involved, and do it with the level of caution advised. Only you can truly know the level of protection your institution has. Try to remove traces of your actions from logs and the files you leave behind. Create a backdoor as a contingency plan. Risk should balance reward, and if there isn’t much in your organization worth stealing or gaining access to, then there is no need for this guid