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Casino Scam


Staff member
Jun 13, 2020
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1. Design/Getting a scam page
So to start you will need a decent scam page, one that looks life the real deal a nd will fool people into entering there details. Scam pages come in diffent forms and sizes from a single page to multiple ones but as long as yours is accurate it should work well. I have seen many scam pages or spam mail with countless spelling and grammar mistakes, I advise everyone to use a spell checker and read through it a few times, if your the language you are using is bad then ask someone who is fluent in that language to check it.
Designing your own scam page:
I do not know much about designing your own apart from the basics, there are others who are advanced and can add things like security lock and incorrect entry errors but for now you should start off with basic stuff.
1. Go to the webpage that you are wanting to replicate. 2. File, view source, notepad or similar program should open with alot of text. 3. Save somewhere safe and close. 4. Open and copy the source to a web design program, i would suggest 'Microsoft Front Page Editor' as it can be downloaded for free and is easy to use. 5. Edit the webpage to suit your needs. 6. Go back to the source and now you will have to edit a few lines of it so that the entires are sent to you ( I cannot at this time remember what lines to edit so i will edit this shortly)
Or to make the above a little bit more easier, you can download the following
program and rip an entire site for you to play around with in your choosen web design program..
BlackWidow - Setup.exe
It has a 30 day trial restriction but a quick net search and you should be able to get a crack.
Using free scam pages:
Here are some free scam pages, thanks to Magister and blacksabbath who spent time creating them and gave them away at no cost, they are pretty decent and should work well. There are full versions of the e-gold and paypal scam page so if you would like that you can buy them off Magister.
E-gold -
Paypal -
eBay - coming soon
BankOne -
Copy and past the links into a new browser as hotlinking might not work.
The files are zipped so use winrar or a similar program to unpack them.
Buying scam pages:
You can by very proffesional scam pages from a few vendors, price varies on how good the page is, some vendors i would suggest are:
Magister (CP) Aphrodite (CP)
1.1 Setting Up Scam page (Getting details sent to email, icq etc)
To make the details get sent to you, you will have to edit a few lines in one file which has to be done to the ones you are using. In the files specified below find the line mail("[email protected]") and change the part in brackets to your email.
E-gold - access.htm is the start page, set mail address at acct.php
Paypal - login.html is the start page, set mail address at paypal.php
eBay - coming soon
AOL - aol.comsupport is start page, set mail address at process.php
BankOne - SecurityUpdate is the start page, edit same line when viewing source
on SecurityUpdate
1.2 Hosting Scam page
You will need to find a stable anon host which will allow you to keep your scam page up for a few days, most hosts will take it down as soon as they notice or get complaints about it so choosing a good host is important.
OffShore Hosts -Look for a host that is situated in a different country as they do not really care what it is used for and have slow/weak spam and fraud control, offshore hosts are always good for this sort of work.
Radmins - If you have some spare money i would suggest ivesting in one or two radmins, radmins are computers you have full remoute access to so you can do whatever you want with them. A radmin with a good speed can do many things from hosting to spamming and browse for them so they are good investment for scam page users. Radmins can last for a long time depending what they are used for but for scam pages the average is around 2weeks which is more than enough time for your scam page. Look around and you should be able to find a reputable seller of these however be careful as there are alot of rippers selling these.
Bulletproof Hosts - I do not know much about this type of host but it seems some people like to it to host scam pages because of it being anon,fast, reliable and it allows its users to advertise by spam unlike some hosts which will take your site down if spam complaints are recieved.
Other hosts - Look around and spend some time trying out different hosts and you are sure enough to find a few good ones for scam pages, use a CC to card the accounts as it would be stupid to pay for it unless its reliable and anon.
1.3 Other
Here are a few methods to make your scam page look even more authentic, I have not tried these but here is some information from those that have..
Fake Address bar
You create an activex floating white window the size of the address bar and place the x/y values of it where the normal address bar would be. Works perfect, however if they're not in full screen mode ur FUCKED.
Example -
Also depending on resolution the effect varies.
Fake URL
You can mask the URL of your host by using this old (but still working) technique
So" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://[email protected]/
It takes you to the paypal site but shows in the address bar...
Fake SSL certificate
To get the lock at the bottom right of your screen on your scam page you will need to use a host that gives you the certificate as part of the package, the user who is viewing the scam page will have to click yes on the alert box that comes up and the padlock will be shown, this is good for sites like e-gold which tell the user to check for the padlock before logging in. is a good site to get you started with a host with ssl cert.
Ad End 1 October 2024