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[Dylan's Epic Guides] Ultimate PTC guide - [NeoBux] Up to $100 daily! - [NULLED EXCLUSIVE]


Staff member
Jun 13, 2020
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  • Rich User
Ok guys, this is going to be a long guide. Prepare your anuses.

Oh, and its all written on here. No downloads.


There are two ways how you can make money on NeoBux - one is a easy and fast way and the other is longer and harder way. The main difference between them is that one is free, and the other is free but requires investment, though the free method takes more of your time and requires a great deal of patience on your side. But, good things come to those who wait! So it is worth it.

Before I present you with both of these strategies (the easier and more expensive one VS the longer and free one) I must warn you that
IF YOU ARE NOT PATIENT YOU WILL GET NOTHING. If you are on lookout to make quick money then sorry get out, to make proper money this will take at least a few months

But, If you are looking for a way to start a successful and reliable online income and you are willing to dedicate about 5 minutes EVERY (less money for you if you dont do it daily) day for next 24 months in order to succeed than congratulations - you have come to the right thread!
Strategies shown here will guide you to success. You can expect first results in a 6 months without investment and about 3 months with investment, and after that you are set to go. After that you are the only one who decides how much you wish to earn every month - whether you wish to make $100 or $10000, it's all up to you.

Lets begin.

On your first day you are only going to do 1 thing, click all of your ads. You click the box, then click the red dot, a new tab will open. Stay on that tab, and then click Close after the O in NeoBux has filled up.

NOTE: Only "Standard Exposure" and the yellow/orange (purples DO NOT count) "Fixed Exposure" count as "daily ads", although they will all give you money. We will come back to this later.

Ok, gz. You made it to day two. This is where the two paths split off. If you want to invest, read the first spoiler. If you dont, read the second. Izi.

Right. NeoBux uses a system called the referral system. This means if you refer someone you get money every time they click one of their Daily Ads (read NOTE above, max 7 daily, sometimes only max 4. The reason it changes is that some days you wont get any Standard Exposure ads ($0.01 each rather than $0.001) so you will only get to click your 4 gold Fixed Exposure ads). Rather than just referring real people, you can also rent referrals. The cost per referral is $0.20 for 1 month, although you can "renew" them for a discounted price, depending on how long you renew them for. As a standard member you will receive $0.005 for each of their clicks ($0.02 daily, imagine having 20,000 referrals like me, and I'm ultimate so I get 4x as much as a standard user )

As a standard member, if the referral is inactive for 14 days you get a new one for free. You can also manually get a new one for $0.07. When you upgrade your account this becomes 7 days.

This is where the two paths split off. If you want to invest, read the first spoiler. If you dont, read the second. Izi.


Free (Takes much longer)

Once you have enough to get more refs +$15, buy more. For 0-500 refs and 90/3 autorenew you should ALWAYS keep at least $15 in your account so that they can be renewed and don't expire by accident. Once you get ~700 RRs you want to change to renew by 240 days and renew by 240 days each time. At this point you will want to Keep this up, buying more refs and cashing out what you want want to keep investing. I personally invested all of my earnings up until I was making excess, i.e. I would buy the max refs I could, then have $50 emergency, and I would still have excess. This is when you want to start to cash out. However, I realised after that this was perhaps not the best plan, considering I had long term plans. I didnt take the $890 (Yea I fucking know, it costs so much) into account that I would inevitably need to spend on Ultimate. So I kept buying refs, and doing all that, but I decided to keep my earnings in my account until I had $950. At that point (About 2 years after starting, I invested) I decided to buy ultimate. Then sweet jesus, the money was rolling in. I was making about $10 daily overall profit for 5 mins work and $150 investment 2 years previous. Lucky me eh!

NOTE: When I say overall profit, that was after I took off the cost of renewal, and recycling. I then decided to stop recycling referrals manually and I just let the 7 day timeout do it for me, for free. I then decided to invest about $2000-3000, not sure of exact number over the course of the next few months. Now, 4 years later, I'm making $50 daily for doing sweet nothing.

Ok so now you have a basic understanding of some of the features of NeoBux, and a guide to your first month or so (if you invested, longer if you didnt).

Ok guys, here's my ref link. I want you to use it, swear to god this guide game me a lot of issues. I deleted it all more than once

EDIT: I make $50 daily using this method after 4 years of using it.
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