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[hot-free]instagram bot - full tutorial with pictures! (python based) noob friendly


Staff member
Jun 13, 2020
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Hallo Nulled! By Doing this my Instagram page for a school project grew upto 500 Followers!
This is my first ever tutorial I Hope you Like it Content hidden to keep thread active. Proof And Virus Total Included


  • Computer
  • Python 3.6
  • Android (Optional)
  • Instabot
  • Pycharm (Optional)
  • 12 Years of Age (If You are 11 Years 12 Months 29 Days Old, Come back Tommorow)
Note : Use Python 3.6 as it comes preinstalled with pip which we will need.

Idealogy: We follow a lot of people and like a lot of pictures to bring attention towards our account and people follow us back and like us back then we unfollow them.

Method :
(1) First of all download all of the above. Download python 3.6 from the official python website.

(2) Run the installer and check the box to "Add Python to Path"
(3) Downloading Instabot. Click "Clone or Download" Then Click "Download Zip"
(4) After Downloading extract its contents
(5) Place the contents on Desktop for simplicity's sake
(6) Now Open Command Prompt, This is really simple. Press 'Windows Key' + 'R' together then type in the dialogue box "cmd" . If you are using some other version of Python other than the one i gave you then you will have to install pip v18 minimum. To install pip do this command: `python3 -m pip install instabot-py`
(7) After Command Prompt (CMD) is open, We have to navigate to the Bot's Folder. we use a command 'CD' for it.
(8) We need our folder's location so we will open the bot's folder. Right click on the directory, here : and click "copy address as text"
(9) Now in Command prompt, type the command CD "The text you copied"
For example purposes, i type: "cd C:\Users\Pikachu\OneDrive\Desktop\Python\" Without Quaotes.
Note: This will be different for you
(10) After there do "cd requirements" and install all the 3 text files with the command 'pip install -r filename.txt' These are the current requirements, they might change by the time you read this tutorial... If the names have changed, use the new names. but as of now the 3 commands to install these 3 files will be
'pip install -r base.txt'
'pip install -r ci.txt"
'pip install tests.txt"
Note: if Pip is not installed you will get an error
(11) Now minimize command prompt and go the the folder. Right click the "" File and Edit with Notepad or Pycharm (optional). We will now configure the settings for the bot.

. Add your username in front of "login" and password in front of "password" . You Can copy my settings. Ill guide you a bit of what each setting means.
'Like_per_day' - Number of likes in one day (recommended : 1000)
'follow_per_day' - Number of people you want to follow in one day. (Dont overdo this or you will get banned or get cooldown, you can stick with default 1000 or do 12,000 so it will follow a person every 10 seconds but on high values manually stop it after some time)

these are the settings you need to to know as a starter, you will figure others out as you progress. you can also add custom hashtags in the text file. remember to save changes
(12) Now for the good stuff. Open the minimised command prompt window and type 'py' to open the file. If you had closed the window, reopen and navigate to folder and type the command
(13) Now Let it run and see number of following and followers increase
Proof Of Work:

(14) After you have followed 200-300 people using the quick follow option (12000 follow per day) or the 1000 people one using (1000 follow per day) Wait for 2 - 3 hours
(15 : Optional) If your number of following has increased and you want to decrease it, download the 'Unfollow for instagram' App from Playstore and keep Unfollowing people Quickly and Efficiently!

Virus Total : https://www.virustot...31e7e/detection (For Instabot) (0/59 Completely Safe )

Thanks For Your Time, Show Some Appriciation
Ad End 1 October 2024